12 month pyr acting weird

by Isaiah
(Ottawa, ontario, Canada)

I have two brothers who get along quite well, Chico and Paco, Chico is usually timid gp and paco is usually the one with all the engergy, these past two days Paco has been very laying around very lazy and has not been acting his normal self, it seems like nothing, because I do an examination but hes drooling alot and not eating any food, i realize its summer but he hasnt been acting like this the whole summer either. any help is appreciated

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Jul 27, 2015
not lazy
by: Anonymous

If he were mine, I would take him to the vet for a full workup. Lethargy in a dog that is usually active is a sign that something is very wrong. Excessive drooling is a sign he is in pain. What kind of examination are you doing? Has he had ticks on him and if so, how were the ticks removed? Your dog looks very thin in your photo of him, so for his sake take him to your vet without delay.

Jul 27, 2015
by: Donna

First, you need to get your dog to the vet for a checkup since this is not normal behaviour for your dog.

It has become hot so this may, as you say, contribute to his lethargy. Pyrs can go for three days without eating. If you feed kibble, this may also contribute to lack of eating. Kibble is not the most interesting food for them due to how processed it is.

Ensure he has fresh water at all times.

Jul 27, 2015
get checked
by: Anonymous

I hope by now you've brought the dog to the vet. It could be a number of things....serious, or not. Some things that pop into my head immediately is some sort of blockage. Auto immune disorders mimic this behavior as well, or something simple like a low-grade fever/infection someplace. This is not the place to try to get an answer when your dog could have a medical issue that needs attention.

Jul 31, 2015
back to normal
by: isaiah

I asked him if he wanted to walk after it cooled down that day and he returned to his regular full of energy self and has continued to do so, he's back to barking his head off at small noises and run around bullying his brother, I took him to the vet and she said it was most likely the heat it was pretty close to 30+ on that day. Also I am considering feeding them raw diet considering these two seem uninterested in the kibble like you said... does anyone know somewhere I can get good food for my pyrs? Thanks for the imput everyone

Chico 12 months 80lbs
Paco 12 82 lbs

Jul 31, 2015
back to normal
by: Isaiah

I posted a comment unsure if it went through. But Paco is back to normal he's eating fighting with Chico barking at noises, the vet said it was the heat and I don't doubt it seeing as it was 30+ that day, he started to act normal after our walk in the evening and I took him to the vet the day after. Also does anybody know a good place to get raw food for my prys around the ottawa area because they are quite uninterested in the kibble for sure.

Chico 80 lbs 12 months
Paco 82 lbs 12 months

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