DOB: March 26th, 2022 (2-years-old)
Location: London Ontario
Cross Pyr/Collie
Obtained her privately through a friend.
How long have you had her? 10 months
Spayed - Yes
Single dwelling home with a large securely fenced yard of a minimum of 5 ft.
Willow sleeps in the house, usually on the floor of the bedroom or in the living room. She likes to sleep on the floor where it's cooler or in a larger room with lots of airflow. She gets hot easily.
Where does she spend most of her time? We have had to move into a townhouse complex, so her time outside is on her 2-3 walks/day and when I take her out to go to the bathroom in between walks. Sometimes I'd also go sit in a park with her.
Willow has always had the run of the house, with bedroom doors and kitchen closed - she is a counter surfer and will look for things to get into. Now, at my sister's, who has a small dog, when I go out, I put her bed at the top of the basement stairs, behind the baby gate, and Willow has the run of the basement.
Does she show food protection behaviour?
No. Willow has never displayed food aggression, unless I've given her a bone from the butcher....until she has scrapped most of the meat off the bone, she is protective of that bone.
Is she destructive in the house?
Willow hasn't destroyed anything, but she looks for things to get into when left alone...she is curious and will look in garbage, on top of tables/dressers etc.
Does she have separation anxiety?
I don't think so. When I first adopted Willow she would bark when I'd leave her alone and just sit outside for a few minutes to get her used to my leaving. Now when I leave her, I do her her bark for a few minutes, but then she does seem to settle. For anyone adopting her, I would suggest closer curtains so she can't see other people, animals etc outside to bark at. Willow is also comforted by a 'chill reggae' playlist on spotify. Oddly, a trainer shared this tip with me so that I could get sleep at night and I was shocked that it actually worked - close the curtains and softly play chill reggae.
Has she ever bitten anyone? No
Is she aggressive with people? Animals? Children?
While in my home I've not seen aggression. She is very protective when someone first comes to the door and so needs to be managed. Once in the house, there haven't been issues. However she needs training while outside on leash - she is very fearful and reactive when she sees most other canine's and occasionally the odd person...mostly large men. She has been around babies and small children off and on, and I have not seen issues but cannot guarantee this as children have not been a constant part of her life...but she has had exposure at markets, in parks and a few times at home.
Does she have access to children? If so how old are they? Occasionally, under 2 years old. Not on an ongoing basis.
WILLOW: Backstory
She is an energetic and very sweet, shy, super smart and playful girl who loves to snuggle her head into you and to please you. She gets easily overwhelmed by large groups of dogs so is not great at doggy daycares or dog parks. (We do not recommend dog parks for any dog.)
She is best with one other dog to play with or a few humans.
She really loves for you to play keep away with her and her stuffed toys. I've been giving her two 1 or 1.5 hour walks/day and then a short one in the evening. She needs more outdoor time and the ability to be in an environment where she can be free to be herself.
The Trust Technique will help her immensely.
I adopted her last October, and she came with high levels of barking, fear, and reactivity. I have continued to work with her and have seen a lot of improvement. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I no longer will have the resources, time or ability to continue working with Willow with her fear and reactivity issues to get her to a place where she feels calm and not overwhelmed. I am very heartbroken over not being able to keep her, but I've had to move into a townhouse complex, which is not a good place for her. She is treating the whole complex as her's to guard and barks quite a bit at the others and noises in the complex.
I cannot be the one to give her what she now needs—a calm home with a securely large fenced yard of a mimimum of 5-feet and guardians who have the compassion, patience, ready to make her a part of the family and resources to continue her training and help her to not feel overwhelmed.
Here are more details about Willow:
Willow will do wonderfully with the Trust Technique Trust Technique along with a Trust Technique Practitioner and the online teaching program Recallers to give her the best chance at success.
If you are interested in meeting Willow, please complete the adoption application
There is an adoption fee of $400.
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