The Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario serves the entire southern portion of the province of Ontario, Canada. Club members work constantly to encourage and maintain the highest standards for the breed. The Great Pyrenees Club is dedicated to assisting breeders, owners and the general public in furthering their knowledge and appreciation of this magnificent dog. In addition, the club is actively involved in the rescue of Great Pyrs in need. You too, can be a member of our club.
If you own a Great Pyr or you have fallen in love with this magnificent breed, why not show your support by joining our club today? Our club is an all-volunteer organization, so every dollar you contribute goes a very long way to help the breed. Costing less than $1.00 a week, it is so affordable and the benefits to you and to the breed are so great!
For the paper Application. You'll be so glad you did when you give a little back to the breed you love.
See below for the online membership form. Payment is now with e-transfer or cheque.
“So,” you may be asking, “apart from helping the breed (as if that weren't enough) what’s in it for me?”
We're so happy you asked! You get to share the company of a whole bunch of really nice people, folks just like you who love dogs in general and Great Pyrs in particular. You get to participate in club activities… and there are many.
The Club promotes and occasionally holds Specialty Shows, Boosters, Sanction Matches, Fun Matches and Canine Good Neighbour testing. And for more relaxing times, outside of more formal events, the Club promotes and encourages social activities with owners and their dogs including picnics, parades and walks. ONE Great Pyr is impressive… TWO are amazing… but a whole pack of them? Now that is unforgettable!!!
Let’s get started with your paper Application. See below for online application. Then you too can enjoy all of the benefits of the club including:
Joining our club is as simple as 1 - 2 - 3. It starts with your Application followed by a short approval process and then acceptance into the club. Of course you have to adhere to our code of ethics as a condition of membership, but as a dog lover, you will find that you're already doing that anyway.
So let’s get started with your Application.
We have a membership structure to fit most needs and fees to fit most budgets.
Whether we are in economic good times or bad, we know you are always happy to find opportunities to get great value for your money. The Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario provides exactly that!
Our membership funds are used for general activities and expenses for the club including newsletters and our web site to share information, membership in the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) and the Great Pyrenees Club of Canada (GPCC), prizes for Specialty and Booster Shows, social events, etc.
Every member benefits and the breed benefits as well. Imagine, for less than a dollar a week… YES, that's LESS than a dollar a WEEK… you get to share your love and passion for the Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog with a group of like-minded, friendly folks. It's a club where you can learn and you can contribute.
So let's get started with your application to join the Great Pyrenees Club today.
The Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario serves all of Ontario, Canada below the 46th degree of latitude. The 46th degree of latitude extends from the east at the Quebec border near Chalk River and travels west just north of Manitoulin Island to the United States border. The area includes Southern Ontario, South Western Ontario as well as Eastern Ontario, extending west to the United States border, east to the Quebec border, north to the 46th degree of latitude and south to the Great Lakes.
In addition, our rescue services extend into the neighbouring province of Quebec, Canada.
And of course, you don't have to live in Ontario or even Canada. We hope to serve you with useful information and interesting accounts of the club's activities, no matter where you live.
We would love to have you as an Associate Member.
Join our club today. We would love to have you. Less than a dollar a week! When did you last see a deal like this?!!
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