Here is a Great Pyrenees Rescue story from the Sinclair family from Brampton, Ontario who acquired their latest rescue dog from the Club on May 24, 2009. They wrote to tell us...
This being our 4th Pyr, we were lucky enough to know Dr. Carol Graham, having dealt with her in the past as vet, breeder and Great Pyrenees rescue. Carol is the President of Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario and heads up the Pyr Rescue Team there. After loosing our last Great Pyr to cancer it seemed that contacting Carol once again regarding dog adoption was the thing to do.
In early May I contacted her and asked about any Pyr rescue dogs she had or of any that she knew were coming available. We were told that she had a 2 year old male coming from Quebec and if we were interested she would be in touch with details.
The rest, as they say, is history. Our new family addition is Cody. Not knowing what his name was and us not being 100% sure how to pronounce it we decided to change it. We thought Cody was very fitting, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
Cody weighed only 95 lbs. when we picked him up and was very, very thin. A more loving and social dog I have not known even with his problems, which now are becoming fewer and fewer. He was very unsure of everything around him almost scared to do anything in fear of being… well who knows.
With the help of the family cat, my 2 boys and my wife, Cody is well on his way to being everything anyone could want in a best friend. He is the most loving and affectionate dog we've ever seen.
We have managed to get his weight up to around 110 lbs. and now he even looks like the magnificent dog he should be. Cody still has a few minor issues that we are dealing with, such as trying to get him into the car or truck, or coming down into our family room. But these things will come in time.
We would like to thank the Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario, its Pyr Rescue Group and especially Dr. Carol Graham.
I know Cody thanks you too.
Lorraine & Peter Sinclair
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