Our Great Pyrenees Rescue Conditions are presented here to assist you.
Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario is dedicated to helping you help
Great Pyrs in need. We do understand many of the dogs needing surrendering are not Great Pyrs, but rather mixes of white LGDs and other breeds. Responsible breeders will want to take their dogs back for any reason so please contact the breeder first.
Sadly, we are unable to help all of the dogs that are presented to us, so before we proceed... there a few things you need to know.
We carefully screen all incoming dogs for socially acceptable
behaviour and accept only those whom we feel we can place responsibly. Great Pyrs that are aggressive and/or bite, present a very high risk for our fosters and adopters. So if a Pyr has a history of aggression and biting, we probably will not be able to help.
For your peace of mind, working with the Trust Technique will help you and your dog. You can consult with a Trust Technique Practitioner, as well as work through the Trust Technique Video course.
Where does the club’s Great Pyrenees Rescue section operate? We take in dog rescues from only Ontario and Quebec, Canada. “Why Quebec?” you may be asking. Quebec does not have a Pyr Rescue group, and there are very few humane societies in Quebec. As a result there are a lot of local people involved in dog rescues on an ad hoc basis.
It is recommended by the CKC and AKC that placements be made within the same general territory and we abide by this. However, in extreme cases we take dogs from outside the territory as we did with a rescue from Hurricane Katrina.
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