Finding reputable Great Pyrenees Breeders is not always easy.
If you are considering bringing a puppy into your life, you already know there are many choices and decisions to make. This guide is intended to help you through the maze and help you understand how to select the right puppy and Great Pyrenees Breeder for you.
There is no simple
rule for choosing a reputable breeder but there are guidelines that
make it easier. The following 8 Steps are intended to help you along
your way, so use them wisely and improve your knowledge as a basis of
making good choices.
If you are a first time buyer – do your homework. Go to Dog shows and talk with local Great Pyrenees Breeders and show people. They are always willing to discuss their dogs, where they got them, their experience in purchasing, etc. If someone in your neighbourhood has a breed that you want, talk with them. Ask about the breeder. Visit more than one kennel. Most breeders, even if they do not have puppies for sale, are ready and willing to talk with potential buyers. An informed buyer is a responsible buyer. Trust your instincts. Are you comfortable talking with this breeder? Do they answer your questions? Are they helpful? Make sure the kennel is registered with the CKC and/or a Breed specific club. Above all ask questions.
Reputable Great Pyrenees Breeders with puppies for sale usually will insist on this just as you should. Your local dog breeder wants to know just as much about you as you want to know about the breeder. Why? They want to ensure that this breed is right for you and that the dog will fit into your lifestyle. They care. In fact a good breeder will refuse to sell a puppy if they have concerns about you as an owner. This is their right. You should be looking at the kennel itself - are the dogs well fed, well looked after? Do they have space to move? This is part of your homework.
While it is not always possible to see the sire – he might have only been at the kennel for stud purposes, or the dam was artificially inseminated, it is always preferable to see both parents. However, your local dog breeder will be able to tell you all about the sire and normally provide you with pictures of him. A pedigree or lineage should be available for both sides going back 2 –3 generations at least. It is not usual for the breeder with puppies for sale not to have the dam on site, unless the puppies are older. Remember, some dams are very protective of their litters and are wary of strangers touching their very young puppies. This is not a sign that the dam is dangerous or too aggressive – traits we do not want – merely that she is concerned about the puppies, like any good mother.
Just like people, puppies have different personalities and traits. Extremely young puppies do not exhibit them as much but as they start to play and get familiar with their surroundings, some of these do come out. Is the puppy you are interested in shy or outgoing? Is he or she curious about the world around it? Is it more aggressive or more timid than the others? Is it more independent?
Each puppy will require differing strategies in upbringing. A shy puppy may need more socialization. Are you prepared to work with this puppy to overcome dealing with strangers and other dogs that they will meet everyday?
Playing and interacting with your puppy will help you identify some of these traits. What are you looking for? If you have a lifestyle that requires your dog to be involved with many people and constant new situations, then a more laid back dog would be better for you. There are many puppies for sale and all puppies are adorable, so do not pick on looks alone. However, if all things are equal, then looks may be the deciding factor. And don't forget, your local dog breeder can help you in your selection.
Some breeds are prone to genetic disorders. Make sure that you see copies of health certificates and if you purchase, you should be given copies of same. In addition, as puppies for sale, they should have been seen by a vet for initial check-ups and shots. This information should be available for inspection prior to purchasing and you should be given copes after the sale.
Always, always get a signed Bill of Sale. This should include the names of the dam and sire, identification of the puppy, breeder’s name and kennel, your name, confirmation that the puppy for sale is purebred and the price. It must be signed. You should also get a written promise that the registration papers will be provided within a reasonable time. This can be part of the Bill of Sale. The Bill will also include any restrictions that you have agreed to – such as no using for breeding purposes, or only with permission, or using only as live stock guard dog etc. This should have been discussed with your dog breeder before the sale was agreed to. There should be no hidden stipulations sprung on you at the last minute.
Most purebred puppies for sale are identified with a tattoo, which is
registered with the CKC. Often they are micro chipped as well as/or
instead of tattooing. But they must have their own unique identification
at the time of sale. Some breeders prefer not to microchip a large
breed until it has grown somewhat and will recommend that micro chipping
be done at 6 months of age. There is less chance of the chip traveling
and being lost. However, in that case the puppy will have been tattooed.
In Canada it is the law that all purebred dogs be identified in some
way in order to be registered. Remember that micro chipping by itself is
not a guarantee that the dog is purebred as many non-pure bred cats and
dogs are micro-chipped by owners in case of loss.
Most reputable local Great Pyrenees Breeders with puppies for sale have a form of guarantee for their dogs. Although there may be problems with a dog, a guarantee will advise of your options should genetic problems occur. But no breeder can guarantee against all future illnesses.
Finally, if you have done your homework, you will find a
Great Pyrenees Breeder that you trust and that trusts you. Most
breeders do not view the sale as the end of a relationship but rather
the beginning. They are a source of knowledge about your puppy, if you
are having problems. Breeders enjoy hearing how the puppies (or older
dogs) are doing and welcome you back to the kennels for a visit with
your new family member. Many lasting friendships have been formed
between breeder and owner that go beyond just owning dogs. They care!
This section of our site is a promotional resource provided to only those Great Pyrenees Breeders who are members of our club. By being a Club member, our breeders have agreed to abide by the Club’s Code of Ethics and failure to do so is a reason for expulsion from the Club. In addition, our Breeders are members of the Canadian Kennel Club and must abide by the CKC Code of Ethics for breeders as well.
If you are a potential buyer of a Great Pyr puppy, this constitutes your protection that you are dealing with a reputable Great Pyrenees Breeder. We know from many years experience that dealing with a reputable breeder will save you money and heartache in the long term.
While there are many reputable Great Pyrenees Breeders around, not all are members of our club nor have they agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics. As a result our Club has limited knowledge of the breeder or the kennel. Since we know so little about the breeder we are not in a position to comment on them or recommend them. Therefore we are unable to accept any advertisement from breeders who are not members of our club.
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