There are people who want to surrender their dogs because of their behaviour. Know that their behaviour is not the dog's fault. People have failed them. People will get their dogs from backyard breeders or puppymills both of whom breed for profit. These dogs are fed poor diets and live in a questionable environment where they have no socialization or any handling. Toxins compromise their immune system, some have been abused and/or may be in pain. These pups/dogs now have trauma in their lives, and it becomes apparent as they begin to mature.
These dogs are then surrendered for these behaviours which include barking, reactivity, aggression, anxiety or other number of sick issues. They are moved from home-to-home, and some end up being euthanized because people don't know what to do. Know that these dogs can be saved while you build an amazing connection between you and your dog.
The Trust Technique is a wonderful way to help your dog and you. If you need further help, make sure to book a practitioner. They work via zoom if you are too far away.
Once you have gained that connection, you may want to teach your dog some more things and continue the connection. Recallers is a great on-line teaching program that will teach you how to teach your dog everything you need to know and any new dog coming in. DogsThat also holds Susan Garrett's podcasts which have a ton of information for you.
Here's your opportunity to ask a question and no doubt you will get answers from other visitors and Great Pyr owners.
IMPORTANT: The answers provided here are not sanctioned by Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario. You take the advice presented here at your own risk. We provide this merely as a service to share information between visitors to this site. For all matters related to the Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog breed, it is strongly advised that you seek advice or other help from trusted professionals in your area.
Important guidance and a few tips in asking questions...
We review every question and answer before it's published.
1. Please check spelling and capitalization.
2. Please provide as much background information as you can.
3. Whenever possible, please include a picture or two or three.
4. Review the site before asking questions such as "How big do they get?" There's lots of information here including the Breed Standard.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page.
Aggression to Livestock
We've only had our dog about two months. She's a young dog less than two years old. We got her from our ranching neighbor and from the very start she was …
Do Pyrenees grieve?
We lost our oldest Pyrenees 3 weeks ago. Our younger Pyrenees, who is 11 and was raised with the eldest, has changed his behavior. He is obviously grieving …
Pooping everywhere
We adopted a apox. 6 year old, Had him now a few mouths; was doing well after being a little destructive at fist.We walk 3 times a day,as she wife is home …
barking at dogs
I just got a rescue Pyrenees. He barks at dogs when I walk him. Any advice? Also I put him on a can a grasslands food is it ok? Thanks.
why would it attack a small dog being held by owner
Buddy is a three year old male crossed with a lab has been a outide dog on a cattle farm , he's a very lovable dog and likes kids, he never barks when …
Behaviour • Diet • Education • Exercise • Grooming • Other
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