These beauties will need to be leashed when on walks. They do wander otherwise and you want to keep them safe.
Not Couch Potatoes
These big whites were bred to watch over livestock. Once they reach about 1.5-years old, and they have had proper introduction to the livestock, and their people feel they are ready, they are left to meander with the livestock, but the owners must still check on them daily to ensure all is well and feed them. If it isn’t, the Pyr will let you know! They lie down as required, but they are always on alert. Never for a moment think these dogs are lazy. They are not. Their minds are always at work sniffing the air, listening and watching for any predators that they deem are in the area. They will leap into action when required.
Part of Your Family
If you have a Pyr as a pet, make sure they are a part of your family. They will love long walks in the woods, walks to do their business, hanging outside in a securely-fenced yard, and they may need encouragement to come inside at night since they are nocturnal creatures. That is when the 'goblins' come out.
Not Running Partners
This breed was not built mentally or physically to be a running partner. They will run as needed to fend off predators, but not to pound the trails. It's just not their thing. You'll find better suited breeds for this activity.
Dog Parks
We strongly advise against dog parks. Many people go there to socialize and drink their coffee while their dogs play. It sounds great until a fight breaks out. Dogs become traumatized, lose their confidence, and become reactive/fearful to other dogs as a result.
Always allow your dog to play with dogs you both know and with owners whose top priority is the well-being of their dog. This means interrupting play with a call or a positive distraction well before fights break out.
Pulling on Leash
If you have a dog who pulls on leash, you need to work with your dog. Resorting to choke, pinch or electric collars may make it easier for you, but it's painful and confusing for the dog. You want to build a wonderful relationship with your dog, so work in a positive way with him to set you both up for success.
Here is some help if your dog pulls. This is from Susan Garrett's podcast episode 53 and podcast episode 73.
Here's your opportunity to ask a question and no doubt you will get answers from other visitors and Great Pyr owners.
IMPORTANT: The answers provided here are not sanctioned by Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario. You take the advice presented here at your own risk. We provide this merely as a service to share information between visitors to this site. For all matters related to the Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog breed, it is strongly advised that you seek advice or other help from trusted professionals in your area.
Important guidance and a few tips in asking questions...
We review every question and answer before it's published.
1. Please check spelling and capitalization.
2. Please provide as much background information as you can.
3. Whenever possible, please include a picture or two or three.
4. Review the site before asking questions such as "How big do they get?" There's lots of information here including the Breed Standard.
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Long walks
I have a 4 month old Pry and like to go for long walk is a two mile walk to far at this age. She is fine when we get back just don't want to cause any …
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