Whether your big white is out in the fields with livestock or out hiking and watching over you, it’s important to keep up with these big white double-coats for them to work efficiently. Daily grooming with a slicker brush, and then once a week do a more through grooming with a slicker and comb including trimming the dew claws front and back. Those dew claws have a purpose so do not remove them. Here is more information about their purpose.
Never shave them. There is a good chance their coats will not come back properly. Therefore, they will not be efficient to keep them warm in winter nor cool in summer. Here is an article on how their double coats work.
It's also important to groom your working dog to check him over for any bumps, lumps, cuts or other injuries.
If your dog is healthy, you will not need to bathe them as this removes needed oils from their skin. Of course, they may roll in something stinky, so a bath will be in order. Remember, dogs have 98.9% DNA of wolves. Wolves never have baths, at least not with soap. They eat species-appropriate diets that keep them healthy.
Here's your opportunity to ask a question and no doubt you will get answers from other visitors and Great Pyr owners.
IMPORTANT: The answers provided here are not sanctioned by Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario. You take the advice presented here at your own risk. We provide this merely as a service to share information between visitors to this site. For all matters related to the Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog breed, it is strongly advised that you seek advice or other help from trusted professionals in your area.
Important guidance and a few tips in asking questions...
We review every question and answer before it's published.
1. Please check spelling and capitalization.
2. Please provide as much background information as you can.
3. Whenever possible, please include a picture or two or three.
4. Review the site before asking questions such as "How big do they get?" There's lots of information here including the Breed Standard.
Behaviour • Diet • Education • Exercise • Grooming • Other
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