by Mark
I am a first time owner of a Pry myself. Her name is Jayde and she is 5 months old. Like the rest of the stories how the breed behaves ie: serious,but happy. very energetic, calm loving dog she is hard headed and rarely gets her way. She loves her family of 4, and we all love and care for her as well. I don't have a story to share like Frankie's but as I was reading all the statements, some of them made me tear up, why I don't really know. I'm 28 years old, I've been in the army for about 6 1/2 years been to Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq but the thought of a dog so calm and collective coming to the aide of family in dire need is just amazing. A calm and gentle giant, a heart truly of a lion, submissive and protective at a moments notice this truly is a one of a kind story and impressive show of bravery. Thank you for submitting your story here and I wish you all the best (as well as your guardian Frankie)
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