animal aggression

by linda abate
(Chicago, Il)

Hello..I just adopted an anatolian/ pyr..she is a female, 6mos old..has been introduced to my 8lb female shitzu, however is wary and did try yo attack her...she is now in here first training session, any advise appreciated!

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Jun 17, 2016
by: Donna

First, I'm wary when you say she is in her first training session. I want to assume that you have had a positive-reinforcement trainer come in to work and your dogs. Never send you dog to anyone since you are the one who will learn how to manage your dog.

Two females is never a good idea especially when one dog is a Pyr and a mix at that.

When you introduce dogs, you always do it off property and walk around the block until you get a playbow from one of them. They have to show a happy interest in each other before they can be allowed together.

If or once you get the playbow, keep an eye on them. Leave a leash on them just in case you have to pull them apart.

Never just put the dogs together and expect them to get along.

Always keep them separate in the house and outside until, again, they show a happy interest in each other.

It may take a few weeks before they can be allowed together.

You cannot force dogs to get along so no amount of training will help. Never use force on a dog.

If after a few weeks they are not getting along, you may not be able to keep your mix, sadly.

I wish you luck.

Jun 17, 2016
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you, for your speedy reply...when you say, walk around the block then introduce them?...Its so very stressful to separate them. Thank you again!

Jun 21, 2016
by: Anonymous

Unsure which dog did the attack, but assume it is the Shitzu. How long have you had the small dog? Has she been 'your baby'. Perhaps the attack is more about the small dog protecting her privileged space, than about real aggression.
And because she is small she made her action look super fierce and as big as she could make it.
What was the pup's reaction to that? What was your reaction to that? If in that moment you grabbed the small dog, lifted her into your arms to protect her, then you have made a potential problem were there may have been none, at all. If you don't understand why, then you shouldn't be trying to adopt another dog into the Shitzu's space.
Why are they so hard to separate for a walk?
If they like to be together and are trying to become playmates, perhaps you should stop trying to interfere and let them be? If You fear the bigger dog's reaction to your smaller one, you will project this fear onto them. Why did you adopt a big dog in the first place?
Sorry to say this, but this seems to be more of a human problem than a dog problem. You need some 'training' with regards to dog behavioural instincts. Or, as has been suggested, rehome the big dog. This doesn't look good, going forward.

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