Aslan my gentle giant!

by Rhonna Booth
(Vavenby, BC, Canada)

Aslan 8 weeks old

Aslan 8 weeks old

Well, I finally have internet and now a whole year of Aslan's life has gone by. It's been an adventure to say the least.

We had to travel to Prince George, B.C. to pick him up. My hubby was Logging at the time and had a run up there on January 27, 2012 so of course Yes we (my 3 year old son and I went with Daddy to go get him. This is where the adventure began starting with an 8 hour drive to get there. Then in trying to meet up with the lady whom had Aslan we got lost in the City. Hello, we are in a Semi.....Poor hubby was stressed out and I was anxious to get my pup!

All went wonderfully we meet up pick up this huge ball of white fur and head back to where hubby has to get a load of logs before we begin our trek back home. Poor Aslan was stressed out enough being in a vehicle for the first time let alone a Semi. He was drooling and of course threw up all over the bed in the sleeper. Our three year old son didn't mind he just thought the new addition was amazing.

So we travel up this logging road, get loaded and on way back down the trailer slides and ends up in the ditch. Remember it is January and it is friggen freezing outside. We all get out of the rig as it is in danger of tipping on its side. So picture this, myself, my three year old and a new puppy out on a logging road in middle of freaking nowhere and its getting close to sundown. I have Aslan all bundled up in a puke covered blanket to keep him warm. We are all standing outside on a logging road with the pleasant smell of Puppy throw up. Finally they righted the rig and a guy from the mountain drove us down the mountain in his pick up as hubby drove the big rig down. This made me feel much better as I was stressed tired and getting very hungry as was the three year old and poor lil 8 week old Aslan.

Needless to say ever since that adventure it has been constant. Now its just larger adventures as Aslan is now over 120 lbs and over one year old. He is definitely a guardian.

Sheesh I was just typing and Aslan heard something and barked right beside me and scared the living life outta me. LOL.

Hope this gives you an idea of this new addition Martha!!

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