
by Great Pyrenees Rescue Team
(Toronto area)

Great Pyrenees Cross Rescue Bella

Great Pyrenees Cross Rescue Bella

Our Great Pyrenees rescue Bella is a Great Pyr mix who has been in foster care for a long time. Don't think that this has anything to do with her personality. Most folks are unaware of her since she has not been listed on the site!

Bella is a sweet, energetic young dog who would do well in a family with lots of time for walks and playing. This lovely girl needs her forever home.

Bella is a Pyr cross and we don’t know with what. Normally we don’t take crosses like this but she was in Hillside Kennels, a no-kill shelter, who asked the Club rescue for help in placing her because she was not at all happy in that environment. As we all know, Pyrs do not do well in cages in shelters!

This happened a year ago. The people who surrendered her to the shelter just did not want her any more.

Of course we know that story well. A dog is bred knowingly or inadvertently, because she had not been spayed, this usually because of ignorance of the consequences. The puppies are either sold for a small amount as cheap dogs or given away right and left to whoever might want one. People take large breed puppies because they are cute and cuddly without thinking that they will become large dogs.

Because they are cute and cuddly, they are not properly trained or take up space and at one point the dog is just too big. They are no longer wanted.

Bella's foster home (a breeder kennel) has had her for a year now, working on her social skills. She knows to sit, stay, shake-a-paw and walks well on a leash. Since she was about 14 months old when she was placed in foster, she is now over two years of age, health checked and spayed.

She has a sweet disposition. She is smart and learns quickly. She likes to climb and would probably be a good candidate for agility for a person or family who would like to participate in this sport.

Bella is a bit nervous but has been doing very well living with a male for company. She has a slight infection in the right ear that is being treated. She is up to date with her vaccines and is in excellent health.

For someone who wants an active dog to accompany them on tracking or agility runs, Bella will be more than happy to oblige. The dark brown patches might come from a spaniel or a setter in the cross. It is difficult to say.

Bella will overcome her shyness for the right human to give her a forever home and love and companionship as only she can.

Are you looking for a more energetic dog than the typical Pyr? Then Bella is the dog for you!

Bella is currently in foster care in southern Ontario.

If you are interested in adopting this sweetheart, please contact Dr. Carol Graham at (519) 853-3005 (home) or (519) 855-6439 at the clinic. Please leave a message if Carol is not available.

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Jul 09, 2013
Poor Rick!
by: Maryanne Pearce

Rick, I am sorry to hear you were injured. Personally, I always use haltis on the dogs if going anywhere for a long period. My husband is fine for walking several without haltis, as he is 6'3'' but also martial arts trained so he doesn't fall over easily. Me? Well, I got pulled down a driveway and down the street once in the winter. Yes, big, beautiful and strong. Hope you have healed well. Maryanne

Jul 09, 2013
by: Rick

I am Bella's dad and have been for the last year and a half.She's a wonderful dog but unfortunately when I wasn't paying attention on March 10th,2013 she went into attack mode due to another dog.Bella was behind me on free wheel with leash and had about 10 feet of running room before the leash locked and suddenly I was on the ground.Result..broken wrist.Not her fault.My point is ..these dogs are very strong and very protective so just as an aside be very careful who you adopt them to. I'm 6 feet tall and weigh 195 lbs. but she pulled me over. My fault again as I said...I wasn't paying attention.Other than that she's an absolute darling. Thank you for sending her to me.She still has issues but at least my sisters cats are still alive..:)


Nov 15, 2011
Bella and me
by: Rick

Bella is an absolute darling. She isn't the same dog as she was. She's very affectionate and she has overcome most of her skittishness and fear of loud noises. She sleeps in my bed every night and wakes me up every morning to go for a run if I sleep too late. She absolutely loves to run. She's much better with other dogs and men :) than she was at first. She's never too far away from me. Here's a video of her playing with my sister. She is pretty funny at times. She loves to ride in the car and she usually sits in the front bucket seat LMAO. She's very protective if anyone comes around the car. I haven't posted any videos lately because I have computer issues which I hope to resolve soon. Anyway thanks to everyone involved in bringing us together. We were meant to be.

Nov 07, 2011
Bella Has Found Her Forever Home
by: Maryanne

As with many of our adopters, Bella's new dad had owned a Pyr in the past. Sadly, Blue passed away in September. Rick was heartbroken, and happened across our site and saw Bella - the spitting image of Blue.

He called Dr. Graham on Saturday night, Maryanne Pearce called him Sunday, on Tuesday Katy came to do a home visit, and on Sunday at 5 p.m., Chrystal (our intrepid transport goddess) delivered Bella to him, after meeting Bella's foster mom Rochelle to do the handover.

Rick could not believe how fast and efficiently we worked - of course, it took a lot of logistics to get one dog from outside of North Bay to Ottawa to meet Chrystal to be delivered to Dr. Graham in the Toronto area, then pick up Bella and meet up with Rick on the same day!

Rick and Bella are in love with each other. Bella has been to the dog park, on walks, and to Rick's local pub to say hello. Rick sends us video of her, photos and calls with updates. From Bella's foster mom, the transporter, the adoption agent and the home visitor, Rick keeps us all updated on the success of this adoption.

Bella had been in foster care for so long, but it was all worth it to make this match. SOGPR would like to thank Rochelle and Ian of the Animal Republic in Vaughan who took Bella into their home (after Shaggy's adoption) and worked with her to socialize her with people and dogs and make her ready for Rick's loving home.

Thank you Rick. It's people like you that make our rescue work possible.

Good luck to Rick and Bella - and keep the updates coming! You can post them here on Bella's page anytime.

Apr 18, 2011
So Sweet
by: Heather MacRae

My goodness what a sweet looking dog.
Her markings make her unique and she has a Pyr's disposition, she must be a joy.

Mar 19, 2011
Gorgeous animal
by: Rochelle

I don't think this picture does justice to the coat. A good grooming and a little wee trim and this dog will turn heads, I think!

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Breaking News

  1. Leo

    Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM

    *ADOPTED* DOB: September 2023 (almost 1.5-years-old) Location: Acton, ON Single family home with a securely fenced yard required. This sweetheart was

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  2. Buster

    Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM

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  3. Courtesy - Bear

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  4. Lucy

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    Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM

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  6. Courtesy Posting - Luc

    Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM

    As a pup.
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  7. Courtesy Posting - Beau

    Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM

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  8. Courtesy Post - Princess

    Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM

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