by Ed A from NJ
(New Jersey)
I have never been a supporter of raw food diets, but I believe every owner should do what is best for his or her dog. But two days ago my wife's friend had an all to shocking experience. This women has 3 beautiful show dogs with National titles. She is wonderful with her rescue work and a tireless crusader for animal rights, She has sworn by raw food. Two days ago she feed her guys there morning meal with in a couple hours her two males were vomiting and pooping the color and texture of strawberry Jam. With in seconds her and her husband had the 3 dogs in the car and on the way to emergency. With in an couple more hours her oldest male (Only 6) was gone her other male was on IV and holding on for his life. They were diagnosed with HDE which is a quick onset intestinal attack believed to be triggered by Bactria or some viruses. As of now they can't say exactly why it is triggered sometimes but not always. Resent studies are starting to point at it being triggered by bacteria. The first question the Vet asked was are they on raw food. The woman lost a boy she loved with all her heart. This brings me to the point I have tried to make before, even if it was triggered by something else why chance it? Even if you don't want to use commercial food why not boil or bake your food just to a temp that kills bacteria? It only takes one time to change your life in the worse way. Let's face it you are not creating a natural diet (your not letting your dog eat entrails, fur and god forbid every part a wolf would eat). Also the average life of a wolf is so much lower then our beloved family members. I'm sorry I won't take a chance with the loves of my life to be tready or fashionable! Think about it? I still believe everyone has to do what they feel is best for there babies. I myself don't trust raw meat or even Sussi myself so why would I try it with my loves. Hell McDonalds is risk enough. THIS IS A TRUE STORY.
Comments for Cause and affect
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM