Change of career

For a few years, we raised goats and had 2 Pyr dogs to guard them. They did their job wonderfully and when we sold the goats, the female went with the herd (the new owner wanted only one dog) but the male stayed here. We have other livestock, as well as Aussie dogs, but he seemed depressed without his own charges. One day, a young family visited to buy a calf and while the adults were speaking, Brody walked over to the little boy, sat beside him and leaned against him. (you know, the Pyr 'lean') His head was taller than the child's head but the little boy started petting and loving on Brody. When the mother walked over, Brody stood up, leaned on her, looked up at her and nuzzled her hand. He then went back to the child and sat again. The dad saw this and asked if Brody was for sale. We said no, but we would give him to them if they promised to not keep him tied or penned but allowed him to be with the family. They promised and when they got in their truck to leave, Brody went with them. 2 weeks later, we got a phone call from the mother. She said she had looked out the window to see Brody pushing against her son, grabbing his clothes in his mouth and pulling, and knocking him down. She rushed outside, thinking he was being aggressive, but as she got to her son, Brody immediately rushed, barking all the while, to the woodpile the little boy had been trying to get to. Within minutes, he was shaking a copperhead snake that was in the pile - he had been keeping the little boy from the snake the only way he could without harming him. The mother told us Brody had a home for life!

Comments for Change of career

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Jan 06, 2016
Career Change
by: Donna

What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it.

Brody was obviously meant to be with these new people. He has a new charge, now, and you know the little boy is being well-cared for.

You must be so proud of your Brody.

Mar 08, 2021
Wow, just wow !
by: Anonymous

Wow,just wow, that dog knew who he had to be with. This story gives me chills.

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Breaking News

  1. Buster

    Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM

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    Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM

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