Claws, Fur, Size

by Leah

The River

The River

Hello, I have what I was told was a Great Pyrenees pup. I see that Pyrenees have double dewclaws on the back feet and single on the front. She only has single dewclaws on her back feet. She is believed to be 4 months of age(the owner changed her age when we got her from 8 to 6 weeks). She weighs 25 lbs at the moment. I know someone who has a Pyrenees pup he got on a farm and his Pyrenees always was very fluffy. Mine was really fluffy as a pup and has gotten less fluffy with her age. She has around 2 inch long fur and it went from a plush feeling all over to a wave all over her back. Which I am guessing is her fur changing to adult fur. Her tail also is quite long for her body and is not as furry as the rest of her body. Will this all change? Is this normal? Other than these things she has the exact temperament of a Pyrenees. She is an amazing pup and extremely protective.

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Nov 02, 2014
The famous dew claws
by: Ed A from NJ

I think the most important thing you said was in the last line. She is an amazing puppy, isn't that what counts more then a breed label? That being said the picture shows a lot of the Pyrenees look, the shape of her head, the tight lips, ear placement and those big goofy feet. The missing dew claws may just mean she is a mix breed. There are a few white LSGD from Europe so that would explain the lack of dew claws. Another trait of the dogs is solid black around the mouth, eyes and black nose. I would think there is a lot of Pyrenees in your little girl and with her age and time of year I am not surprised her coat is unstable right now. Since we know she is a pretty girl and you already told us she is amazing I would think you should count yourself lucky. Look at it like this, she is not a mix or mutt (no dog is a mutt!) Let call her a great Pyrenees plus! Enjoy her!

Nov 08, 2014
pretty girl!
by: Marianne

This is a really pretty girl. I suspect this is Pyrenees crossed with something else, probably Kuvasz and she may be smaller than a Pyr as an adult. This is probably why she seems smaller that your friend's dog.

The lack of double dew claws is the clue.
Great Pyrenees will have them, although there are a couple of other eastern European breeds that have them, although not white ones.

This said, there is no reason she not be a good companion as well.

Nov 21, 2014

hi, i'm glad i found your question on the site. I'm new here, but the sites been very helpful. I have a Pyr now almost 20 months old that only has one set of single dew claws only on one right hind foot none on the left; my breeder (very well-known in Cali) said that her male "throws" pups like this once in a while and that my pup is a Pyr. I believe her because she is a very well-known breeder like I said and I don't think she'd put her reputation on the line by lying to me, just for ONE Pyr looks like a Pyr, she's smaller than my first Pyr (that looked more like a Polar Bear) but I believe it all depends on what the parents look like (some Pyrs are taller and sleek, some are shorter and stockier and fuller hair coat); I'm going to just wait and see how she fills out at 2 years like the nice breeder lady said....I think you should just let time tell, your Pyr puppy looks like a Pyr; she may be a cross down the line with a Maremma or a Kuvasz (but to me, they are the same livestock guardians all in all, just a different look to them, both types are all white, and they are beautiful too)You should google Maremma's or Kuvasz's and see. Anyhow, Your pup is beautiful. She might just be taking a while to grow/fill out like mine. Time will tell. Hope this helps. Love her, all dogs are beautiful and special and God-sent. Take care.

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