Courage at its Peak

by John and Myrna Passons

We are John and Myrna Passons and are the proud owners of Major and Kiowa Passons both 3 years old. Our story with our Pyrs is as follows.

John and I lived in Arkansas at the time Major and Kiowa saved us from a pack of feral dogs. Major and Kiowa were 6 months old and our daily routine was to go exploring our land early in the morning while John sat out on the deck drinking his coffee. John knew I was safe with the pups because they quite often displayed their courage.

John made me aware that a pack of feral dogs came through our land and that I should be cautious. I did not think much of this except to take my walking stick with me and my knife just in case. I figured the pack would have moved on by the time the pups and I were in full force. Boy Oh Boy was I wrong!

As Major,Kiowa and I turned a corner on our land, Major was quick to lunge forward full force and Kiowa following in her brother's footsteps. I knew I was in deep trouble. I had a plan of action in my mind but it all happened so fast that I was faced with feral dogs running towards us!

Little did I know that my husband John was keeping an eye out for us and before I knew it, John had Major and was flinging rocks at the ferals as hard as he could! I had never seen my pups display such loyalty and courage as they did that morning! Major was forward,tail up and barking with that strong sound pyrs have while Kiowa did the same. The feud was on and Major kept going forward without hesitation! I also saw Kiowa as the reservist ready to attack at any moment!

It all happened so fast but I will never forget how Major and Kiowa blocked John and me from harms way while they took charge! Finally, Major got as close to the ferals as John would allow him and the ferals ran away! Whew!! that was a close call that morning but we will forever be grateful for the protection,loyalty and the courage our Great Pyres displayed that early morning in Arkansas.

Respectfully Submitted,
John,Major,Myrna and Kiowa Passons

Comments for Courage at its Peak

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Jan 23, 2011
We would love to see the Pyrs!!
by: Frank

Sure would be wonderful to see pictures of Major and Kiowa.

Jan 24, 2011
Corageous Pyrs
by: Cheryl

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. Great names too!

Would love to see pictures!

Jan 24, 2011
Tale of Bravery
by: Melissa

What a great story. Myrna, I can just picture you with your stick and knife ready to go! From the throwing rocks to the standing tail, I am glad such courageousness was displayed. Good job to all!

Jan 24, 2011
Thank You for Requesting Major and Kiowa's Pictures
by: John and Myrna Passons

Hello Everyone!
I have to admit I am a bit in the dark ages when it comes to computers. I will definitely submit pictures of my Pyrs as soon as I can!! Thanks again and have an awesome time with your pyrs!!

Myrna Passons

Jun 19, 2013
by: Caroline

Did not know about your site. I've seen your babies and they are beautiful.

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