
I have a new litter of Great Pyr. Three of the pups only have 1 dewclaw. Is this a flaw or is this common in large litters?

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Mar 15, 2015
Rear dew claws
by: Ed A from NJ

Of your talking about rear dew claws yes it is a flaw and instant disqualification in the show ring. It will draw fire from purest who will say they must be a mix because all great Pyrenees have double dew claws. But these things happen and like they say nothings perfect. I bet they are still cute little balls of fluff and many people will love them in spit of there little issue. Dew claw in no way are the most important part of a pyre. Good luck with the little angels wish I were up there I would love two more!

Mar 16, 2015
Dew Claws
by: Donna

Do you have purebred Pyrs? This is to say, they come with registration papers from a recognized kennel club.

You would then know the background of the parental lineage and be able to contact the breeders of them to find out if they have the same issue. You would have signed a breeding contract with them. The single dews would be considered a flaw.

If you are breeding unregistered dogs, chances are you do not have full Pyrs. All Pyrs come with double dews as do some other breeds of dogs. You may have a mix of another big white in there like a Maremma or Akbash.

Mar 17, 2015
my pup has single dews too
by: Kim

Hi, I have a 7 month old male Pyr. He has single dew claws on his back legs as did one of his litter mates. Out of a litter of 8, 2 had single dews. This was the first I had heard of it until I googled it. As far as I can tell, it does not impact his ability to guard the pantry or the couch!

Mar 24, 2015
Lets set it straight
by: Ed A from NJ

Having a single dew claw in the back does not disqualify your dog from being a great Pyrenees it disqualifies him from the show ring. If both father and mother are great Pyrenees then so is your puppy. Look at it as a small birth defect. If a person is. Born with 6 toes he is still human. I think what most are trying to say is if you don't know the parents or if you are going to a breeder and paying good money for the dog you should exclude any pup that Don t have double dew claws since you are paying good money. That being said that does not mean there is no great Pyrenees in the world that don't have double dew claws. But I would assume if it should be missing a dew claw it would still have the meaty part. The dew claws on a Pyrenees are attached to bone and look almost like a thumb in x-ray. Dogs without the double dew claw may be considered "pet quality.

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