Emma Lee My Love, My Best Friend

by Emma Lee's mom Colleen
(cheney, Washington, USA)

recovering after a night on iv for kidney failure

recovering after a night on iv for kidney failure

We got Emma Lee as my father did not have patience for this little fluffball pup. For the past 10 years she has been by my side, kids all grown, youngest just left for college. My boyfriend passed away four years ago and she was more supportive than any friend, family member, or therapist. She went camping, boating, swimming, roadtrips. She always had a smile and loved everybody she met. Two years ago she got SARDS and went blind. She learned the house and property so well! Then thyroid disease, then a bout of kidney failure. These were all treated and she was still smiling. Last Friday she came into the living room and started yelping. When she got up, her right back foot was dragging. Her vet was closed, so took her to another. After X-ray's, he said it looks like a spinal stroke. She was yelping and agitated the whole time. I lost my mind and couldn't think. He said if it were his dog he would put her down. I was so scared of bringing her home in so much pain and not being able to lift her.I agreed in haste and panicked to let her go. It has made me sick with guilt I did not take her home to see if she could recover. She was the love of my life, the best friend I've ever had. Our old cat and a black lab with seizures were her best buddies. She took such good care of all of us. We will miss you and love you always Miss Emma Lee Loo.

Comments for Emma Lee My Love, My Best Friend

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Aug 16, 2018
Be gentle with yourself.
by: Isabelle in BC

I am so sorry for your terrible loss of Emma...
Know this, you did the right thing by stopping her suffering.
It was short, you did not allow it to linger, selfishly...
Emma had a great life and is still by your side.
A vet once said to me that unlike humans, our furry friends live for the moment.
So to me, a moment filled with pain is an eternity. One filled with love... is also their eternity!
I lost my love and best friend on Saturday, Lucy got sick fast... I too did the right thing for her... but not for me, I would have kept her forever of course!
I am devastated, but I know she is ok and waiting for me...
Be good to yourself, have no regret, Emma loves you still, forever.
Take care!
Isabelle in BC

Feb 12, 2018
Thank you
by: Emma Lee's mom

Thank you Donna and the GPSCO for the kind and helpful words. Although my girl was part lab/Great Pyrenees, she had all of the great GP traits I have read about. The most amazing friend I have ever had! I am happy to have found your website.

Emma Lee's mom

Feb 12, 2018
Thank you
by: Emma Lee's mom

Thank you Sherry Blonde for sharing your story. I am sorry to hear of the pain you went through with your Blondie. I do hope they are running around together and having fun until we are able to join them one day. Enjoy your Great Pyrenees, amazing adventures to be had!

Emma Lee's mom

Feb 12, 2018
so sorry
by: Sherry Blonde

I am so sorry for your loss. We are so lucky to have such amazing creatures in our lives. It is one of the hardest decisions to make. We put our lab down 4 years ago this past January and I second guess myself to this day. She had an aggressive cancer. We did take her home after the diagnosis after the vet said he would put her down if she was his. I wanted the kids to be able to say goodbye and make sure we were making right decision. Well, during that night was the first time she cried in pain, I was beside myself and mad at myself for bringing her home. I made my husband drive us all over the city to a 24 hour emergency vet and once we got there and were going to go forward I panicked and was finally able to reach our vet where we ultimately brought her and put her down. We now have our 1st Great Pyrenees, who we decided rescuing in her honor was the right thing for us. She is the complete opposite of our lab! Sending you hugs. Your girl was beautiful and I hope she is running around with our Blondie playing. <3

Feb 09, 2018
Emma Lee
by: Great Pyrenees Club

Ourt heartfelt condolences to you on losing such a good friend, Colleen.

Take heart that at 10 years old and the vet suggesting euthanasia that he doesn't say it lightly. She had had her health issues and the stroke wasn't something she would recover from enough to live a quality life. You made the right decision and did what was best for her.

Big hugs to you.

On behalf of the GPCSO team,


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