Everyone is similar, but each is unique

by John Harris
(London, Ohio)

My wife & I have our third Great Pyrenees right now. He will be two years old next month. Our first definitely decided she belonged to our three children. She was their guardian, their pillow when they didn't feel well, and snarling, slobbering white death, when facing the boy who had taken my daughter to homecoming and the date ended badly.
Our second Pyr bonded with me. He knew I was sick well before I was diagnosed with cancer. He was at my side after surgery, all the way through chemotherapy and I knew something was wrong when my wife & I sent him for boarding for three days. He died on the second day; the veterinarian couldn't understand why.
When we returned home, my home felt empty and sad. I was exceedingly lonely when my wife was at work, and I was getting badly depressed. About a month later, I was taken to a farm with a litter of 8 week old pups. Our current fur covered family member chose us. As I am disabled as a result of cancer treatment, the dog is with me almost all the time. When possible, he goes where I go. He sleeps in the bed with my wife & me, where he must be touching both of us. Unlike our previous dogs, he doesn't bark very often. He does, however, "talk" to us. On the occasions that one or the other of his dishes is empty, he will yammer at us and pace back and forth until fed or watered. He opens the sliding door when he wants in. If I could just convince him that he is not a lap dog, it would be great.

Comments for Everyone is similar, but each is unique

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Jun 30, 2021
by: Anonymous

You know that there are thousands and thousands of dogs out there in the world, mistreated so horribly it sickens me. U-tube is full of the stories of those that are lucky enough to be rescued. I am so grateful to you for writing and sharing of your life with your treasured dogs.
God bless...people like you make the world a better place.

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Breaking News

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