Feeding a Pyrenees

by Nancy

I have had a Great Pyrenees, purebred, and now have two Pyrenees mixes which I rescued. One is probably part retriever, completely white, double dew claws, and weights about 70. The other was taken from a puppy mill when about two months. All in the litter were white except the one I chose, who is white and black. The rescue group said that they will pure bred, but mine does not have the double dew claws so he is obviously a mix bred (135 #).

My question is what food should they be given? I have gone on sites and get many mix reviews as what is the best dog food for them. Large Breed dog food? Brand? I love these dogs and want what is best for them.

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Sep 06, 2014
by: Marianne

I don't know what age your dogs are but the only recommendations I have are the following:
Read the ingredients. Choose a food that has meat, fish or such protein as its first ingredient. Make sure there is no corn or wheat since these are not something a Pyr will normally eat, other than is table scraps. these are not bad as long as they do not contain ingredients that are proscribed as poisonous for dogs but should not be the only food the dog gets.

I can't give you brand names because each brand has different subtypes. I suggest you look at those which are of the" naturals" or "holistic" type. They usually have an animal protein (meat, fowl, fish) as well as rice/barley, vegetables, fruit, eggs and such.

I feed my Pyrs raw. You can find raw feeding information under "raw dog food" or "BARF"

If your dogs ar still ablies, you shouldn't use "large dog" puppy food. You don't want him or her to grow/gain wwight too fast and so put pressure on their still forming bones.

Hope this helps.

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