food for a pyrenees

by jeff

What is the best thing to feed a great white pyrenees?

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Sep 26, 2015
Depends on age
by: Anonymous

It really depends on the age of the dog. I use big breed puppy food for my 26 year old pyre. Dry worthy well,but I sometimes moisten it with beef or chicken broth,as long as the broth does not contain too much sodium.

Sep 26, 2015
by: Donna

Raw food would be the best food since it is pure with no additives or fillers. What you see is what you get. Feed beef or chicken for about a week or two to get them used to raw. Then, you can start adding organ meat and bone.

Feed 2% of the dog's ideal weight.

If dog is 100 pounds, feed 2lbs (or 907 grams a day).

I feed once a day

• Raw meat (RMB-raw meaty bone) (Chicken leg quarters, necks, backs, venison, pork, beef, lamb, goat, rabbit, fish, turkey, duck, bison, tripe, liver, sardines) Do not cut up meats.
• 5-10% organs (1/2 of this amount is liver)
• 10-15% edible bones
• 80-85% muscle meat (and the rest of the critter) (bone in chicken breast to start for raw)
Additives (once a day - optional but fun to add)
• 1/2 tsp. Salmon/sardine oil 
• 1/4 tsp. Egg (let shell dry overnight and grind in coffee grinder)
• Vitamin E (400 IU)
• 3/4 tsp. Berte’s Ultra Probiotic Powder if dog has trouble digesting raw food
• 1 tsp. fibre
Occasionally (optional but fun to add)
• Cottage cheese or yogurt occasionally
• 1/4 cup pure pumpkin (not filling) for fibre
• Vegetables not necessary but if fed (for fibre), make sure they are thoroughly cooked
• Alphalpha, kelp
• powered vitamin C
Feed one kind of meat for a few days, then switch to another etc. Once the dog is used to eating various meats then start veggies (cooked only) if you want. 
The rule of thumb for healthy adult dogs is 2-3% of their optimal body weight. If they are overweight, aim for the DESIRED weight, not their current weight. Same for an underweight dog, take their desired weight to figure your starting amount for each meal.
• Take your dog’s weight (or desired weight)  e.g. 100 pounds = 453.59 grams 
• Multiply his weight in grams x 2% (or 3 %)   therefore 907.18 grams of food
• 90.71 grams organ meat
• 90.71 bone
• 725.74 gram of muscle meat
• You don't need to be exact but that's what you try to aim for.
Dr. Karen Becker talks about dog diets. This is a three part series and very information. Here is part I

Natural Nutrition For Dogs and Cats: The Ultimate Diet" by Kymythy R Schultz

There are some raw suppliers who have premixed dinners so you don't have to measure anything. Just google.

Have fun!

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