by Suzanne Seheult
(Sunderland, Ont)
Just over 5 years ago, we adopted Samantha from this great site. We didn't know what to expect when we decided to become her humans. We were told she had been moved from numerous foster homes as well as having some problems, with both health and behavioural, but we wanted her regardless.
To our pleasant surprise, she ended up being the best, well-behaved dog. Her health issues improved as soon as we changed her diet. Removing Chicken from her diet and replacing it with Beef, her itchy and flaking skin subsided over the next few weeks, stopping her from scratching herself raw in places and then eliminating the need to apply moisturizing creams altogether. Although we were told she had a thyroid problem, that health issue could not be rectified and she continued to be on medication to control it the whole time we were blessed to have her with us.
For 4 years she was my protector, my confidante and my best friend. Being on Long Term Disability with Multiple Sclerosis, she and I spent all our time together, took long walks, and enjoyed time at the Horse Stables where I did volunteer work three times a week.
To our dismay, Samantha developed a large tumor on her chest, which we promptly had removed. Unfortunately more tumors developed in different parts of her body and began to spread over the next year.
As she started to succumb to her disease, and we learned the life expectancy for the Great Pyr, we felt we had given Samantha the best last 4 yrs of her life(or at least better than being moved over and over again)
It was a hard decision, the hardest any pet owner has to face when making the decision to end the suffering of their beloved pet, I finally realized she was using all her strength to get herself up, always to make sure I was ok. Never wanting to let me out of her sight she would struggle to follow me.
I could not stand to watch her in pain and decided to release her to the Rainbow Bridge where I know she will be waiting for me to join her one day.
She is dearly missed every day
It may be time now for me to meet my next best friend!
Comments for Forever Loved and Missed
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM