by John
(High Country Alpaca Ranch)
Recently this summer our Security Chief, Gordy, did the same thing. A group of us were sitting outside enjoying each others company, when low and behold, a huge bear decided to join us.
Molly, our house dog spotted it about 50' from us just sitting there looking at us and ran right up to it without a sound and went nose to nose with it. Everyone scrambled, some for guns and some for a camera.
Gordon, our rescue Pyr, who will not stay in a pen, ran up to the bear and was ready to fight. Long story short, the bear wanted no part of Gordon and took off into the woods with Gordon on it's tail. Gordon kept his distance but was not giving up any ground and kept the bear moving until he felt it was safe enough to turn back and check "his flock".
We love that dog dearly, as well as our other 4 Pyrs, who do stay in their pens and would not have any other dogs to protect our alpaca herd. We sleep well at night knowing that Gordy and his team are on duty.
God bless Frank for doing her breed proud. Great Pyrs are the most awesome creatures and worth their weight in gold.
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