Got my baby

by Peter Stager
(Maryland USA)

Two days ago I brought home my first Pyrenees. First thank you all for the great information it was very helpful in my search. After about a week I found a rescue who had 3 young Pyrenees puppies. I sent in my application and they were very kind and came out to my house, I was lucky they had someone very close to my home. A day later I headed out to start my trip. By the time I got there one was gone. As I looked at these two beautiful little balls of fluff I was trying to decide which one had the right personality. That is when it happened I seen a big boy lumbering around in another run across the yard. Something told me to go see him. I asked if he was also up for adoption and if I could see him. They told me he was a two year old turned in by his owner because he just wasn't good with his flock. They said he was a big lump of love and very laid back. I was fifty foot away but there was something in his eyes. When I got close to him I put out my hand for him to get a sniff. He was up on my shoulder in a snap, delivering kisses. They were shocked they said while he is very friendly he had never done that to anyone. While they were apologizing I was falling in love. I knew there would always be someone for the puppies but Mikey was there for 4 months all ready. I looked at my wife and could see she was also taken by his loving way. We have no sheep and weren't looking for a watch dog. I asked if we could be considered for him and they agreed he would be ours. The carrier we had bought was a bit smaller then we needed so we can to petsmart and bought a seat harness for him. As we headed for home he was wining so we gave him more slack and once he could put his head on the console between my wife and I he settled right in. He has been home for two days and to say he fits is perfectly would be presumsuous. So I will just say so far he has been the perfect house guest. I thought we wanted a puppy but we are both happy with our two year old baby.They told us it might take time for him to get use to being inside. Not so, the crate we bought was to small as we were expecting a baby so I was returning it in the morning. We were going to keep him in the extra room the first night but again the wineing, so I brought him into our room and made makeshift bedding at the side of the bed. He was the perfect night guest. So the crate was returned for a huge doggie bed. Mikey has not had one accident. I feel like this was some kind of cosmic meant to be. I would love to keep you guys up to date as our gentlemen Jim settles in.

Comments for Got my baby

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Apr 17, 2016
by: Donna

Congratulations, Peter! Enjoy your journey with your new boy!

Apr 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

Heartfelt so very pleased you followed your heart and came home with the one Pyr who was waiting for you to show up! Your journey together begins. Prepare to be delighted, amazed, challenged (in a good way), grateful, comforted, watched over, enraptured.
You write beautifully Peter...all of us out here, whose hearts have been captured by the presence of one of these most gracious creatures, will be happy to hear how it goes for you.
Thank you for rescuing. God bless.

Apr 18, 2016
Best and most beautiful dog in the world
by: Nashville

What a great story! We too wanted a puppy and searched high and low in our state looking for just the right one. We searched through all the rescues. One day someone sent us a video of Russell. He is 2.5 years old and 99 percent good. He's stubborn, has a sensitive stomach, we spent a fortune on dental work for him but we bathe him ourselves (2 person job) at a Wash Paw place here.
He's very loving and wherever we go, people's eyes light up when they see him. It takes patience, he's great in the house, sleeps wherever he wants but mostly in our room. Gets walked by a track team member a few times a week in addition to two daily walks. As us anything, this Ontario group has been very helpul.

Apr 18, 2016
by: Darlene Hickman

Perfect match

May 29, 2016
Feed it to Mikey:-)
by: Granmaskippy

Remember that old cereal commercial. With a name like Mikey you just know he going to be a lovable lump. Yet, I would bet if the coyote, bear or night time prowler ever shows up, you would see a side of him you never thought possible.

Sounds like you have a keeper. And he already has found the touch, just wine a little and dad and mom will fix it. lol

Oct 06, 2016
Wonderful to be loved by a Pyr!
by: Ginny in Maryland

So wonderful you are loved by a Pyr. My husband and I adopted a sick, scared, sad Pyr who had been bounced around but taken care of by a great rescue group. We have had our Harlow for three years and our love has earned hers. She is a happy loving Pyr and I truly understand your love for your big guy! Hope you enjoy many long and happy years with your baby!

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