by Nancy
(Moscow, Idaho)
Hello. My 4.5 month old Pyr puppy, Zeus, loves his new straw bale shelter I made. He now prefers it to being inside at night. He was raised outside at the breeder's on a hobby farm. Lived in a stable, so I imagine the straw bale home is familiar to him.
He was well socialized with animals and people when I got him and continues to meet new people on walks daily.
I have had him about 6 weeks and he was fine inside in a large kennel at night. I let him out more and more in the day in large fenced yard with trees, brambles, two fenced areas. I work at home often (am single) and spend a lot of time with him going outside to garden, bring him inside for a while each day, he loves to go with me in the car and we do almost daily.
Will he still bond with me if I let him stay outside at night? I read the Monks of New Skeet say to have dog sleep in your bedroom (not on bed) to bond. Last night I had to force him to come in...pull at first. Then he went to his crate and then living room spot and then I showed him the bedroom spot. He slept all night just fine, but I felt he thought it was punishment :( Any thoughts appreciated. I would miss him in the house at night, but perhaps it is healthier for him to be outside...he feels he is guarding the yard/house, etc. Nancy
Comments for Great Pyr prefers outside at night. OK?
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
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