Great Pyr Q's From A Teen!

by Alley

To begin, I'm only 16. We aren't totally sure, but my family believes my dog is a Great Pyr.

She likes to stay outside at night, going under the deck, or I bring her inside. When she is outside, she barks constantly all night. I have tried to explain to my mother, who is a light sleeper, that her barking is her instinct and in her nature, but it doesn't do much. Is barking excessively normal?

I live in Alberta, Canada. If anyone around the Edmonton area knows a good place to take my Pyr, I'd really appreciate that resource.

Lastly, Blizzard (my Pyr), has this habit of putting her paw up on you all the time. Does anyone else's Pyr do this as well? Her claws hurt when she does it, but I don't know if she just would like attention or not?

Any help you can give me would be fantastic! Thank you in advance!

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Feb 13, 2015
Every Pyrenees trate
by: Anonymous

Your baby looks to be a Pyrenees coat, head shape and black outline eyes and mouth. You didn't mention if she had double dew claws on her back legs. As to her temperament she sounds Pyrenees all the way. They are famous for being huge barkers! It helps greatly if she is housed at night. As for the pawing your spot on she wants love. They also like to lean on you. One more thing is always keep her leashed so she won't wander and if you have time to walk her often the more you wear her out the better chance of a quit night. It's nice to see a teenager so actively involved with their dog. Good luck!

Feb 16, 2015
Pyr love
by: Anonymous

What a pretty girl! Her ear set and small feet look collie. Does she have double dew claws on her back legs? Everything else: coat,color,pawing,barking is Pyr. Exercise and keeping her inside at night will help with the barking...eventually. Great Pyrenees are wonderful companion dogs and natural guardians, so you are very safe with her in your life. She looks a sweetheart and you love her. Everything else is just details.

Mar 17, 2015
From a Teen
by: Donna

Your dog is not a full Great Pyr. The colour of the coat is brownish. Pyrs are always white and with or without markings.

I don't see double dew claws in the picture.

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