Great Pyr Rescue Baloo

by Milena

I'm soooo nice!!!

I'm soooo nice!!!

1-2 year old male, neutered and vaccinated

Baloo was a stray on the Indian reserve in Quebec. He was known as the local “school yard dog” and was being fed daily by the kids. Once school was over for the summer, no one was caring for him so he was picked up by the city pound patrol.

He doesn’t know any formal commands but he sits naturally to be petted or for treats. He is house trained, very quiet and not at all excitable. He needs to learn to walk on leash as he walks all over the place trying to sniff everything in his path.

His background with kids, his calm temperament and good manners would make him the perfect therapy dog candidate. He is not at all fearful and gets along well with other dogs. In fact, he ignores them. He is very human oriented and accepts to be brushed, to have his nails clipped, fur trimmed and ears cleaned. His foster people are still working on getting his blow brushed out but his coat is coming along nicely.

Because he was a stray, he must have a home with a fenced yard as he might be tempted to wander off exploring the horizon, although he has been content to stay with us and our other dogs with no attempt to leave.

Do you want to receive the love and that this amazing boy has to offer you?

Milena Dimitrijevic
e-mail :
phone : 514-799-0473

1à 2 ans, male, castré et vacciné

Baloo a été trouvé errant sur la réserve indienne au Québec. Il était connu de tous comme étant le chien de la cours d’école car il se faisait nourrir quotidiennement par les enfants. Une fois l’école terminée pour l’été, il a été ramassé par le patrouilleur de la fourrière locale.

Malgré le fait de ne pas connaître les commandes de bases, il s’assoit naturellement pour recevoir caresse et gâterie. Il est propre dans la maison, très silencieuse et pas très active. Il aura besoin d’un cours pour apprendre à bien marche en laisse, car il va dans tous les sens pour essayer de tout sentir sur son passage.

Ses antécédents avec les enfants, son tempérament calme et ses bonnes manières feraient de lui le chien parfait pour la zoothérapie. Il n’a pas de peurs et s’entend bien avec les autres chiens. Il est particulièrement attiré vers les humains et accepte toutes manipulations. Ses accueillants travaillent pour venir ç bout de sa mue de « printemps »!

Parce qu’il a été errant un certain temps, il lui faudrait une maison avec un cours clôturé, car il pourrait être tenté d’explorer de nouveaux horizons.

Voulez-vous faire de ce magnifique garçon vôtre ami de vie ?

Milena Dimitrijevic
téléphone: 514-799-0473

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Aug 29, 2011
Baloo is Home!
by: Zanatta Family

Thank you again for this beautiful boy! He is settling in already! He has smelled the cats and walked away...they just don't know what to make of that after being chased for almost a year!

He is sleeping at my feet while I type this. He has been for a walk around the neighbourhood this morning and was the main attraction - needless to say a 20 minute walk turned into close to an hour ++ :)

The children are in love and just sit there with his head in their laps. When they go to bed it is my turn!

More news to come as he really settles in!


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