Great Pyrenees Rescue Shanti

Great Pyrenees Rescue Big Shanti

Great Pyrenees Rescue Big Shanti

We are so delighted that Shanti has found her forever home. Our thanks to her new family for opening their home and their hearts to this wonderful dog.This was her story...

GPCSO Rescue dog Shanti the Big White Fluffy

“Hi! I’m Shanti. I’m 18 months old and I love to run. Where I lived before, they said I’m a Pyr but Marianne calls me a Big White Fluffy because I only have one dew claw on each hind leg rather than two. Otherwise, I look and generally act like a Pyr of my age!

As I said, I love to run. I also like to stick close to Marianne whenever she’s out and around. I like attention and lots of hugs and stuff. I try to get her to play with me as often as I can! I like to play with anyone who will so I bow and curtsy to invite them.

I was born on a farm where the lady wanted my mum to have a litter. I was the last of my brothers and sisters so I was taken home with my older sister. Since there was no fence, my sister and I would chase off the deer. The neighbour didn’t like that because she wanted to feed them and keep them coming back. My sister and I didn’t think that was a good idea so we ran them off. The neighbour complained to the Fauna authorities and the lady where I lived before has to go to court about this. She thinks that if she only has my sister and the wimpy Bernese boy , she might be able to keep them. I was just too active and I barked at the deer.

I sleep inside because Marianne brings me in but I really like hanging out and cuddling into the three feet of straw in one of the outside shelters. I do like to be with her though so I follow her in.

I also love to have lamb bones to chew. The cartilage is nice and crunchy and it’s good for my teeth! “

Well, that’s Shanti’s story. She is a really sweet girl who likes to stay outside and run with my boy P3. She pretty well tires him out. Of course, she is right in the active adolescent stage. Although she knows to sit, down and stay, she doesn’t walk well on a leash and pulls. She really needs to be put though her obedience training again (doggy boot camp) to remind her of proper behaviour.

Since she is very strong, she would be best in a home with older children (10 +) because she could easily knock over a younger child with her enthusiasm. There was a two year old in the original home but he was never with the dogs. They lived and slept on the porch. Since Shanti, like any puppy, found chickens were great squeaky toys, she liked to chase them so she was taught to leave them alone and now lies down among them and guards them.

Presently she is outside during the day and comes in to sleep. I have to insist but she is very happy to follow me in. She is good with confident male dogs because she has her own ideas of pecking order.

She gets along very well with my 3 year old intact male now that P3 her in her place once when she tried to hop on his back. He put her on her back and held her for a little while. There was no aggression on either part, just establishment of proper order. I have not put her out with my intact females because I see signs of possible same sex aggression because mine are intact. She could probably learn to get along with a spayed female but there would need to be training done.

I suggest she be fed separately since she guards her food and treats. When she will sleep in the kennel,she will be closer to the other Pyrs and will probably integrate more easily with the group.

As mentioned, she needs a bit of boot camp re-training. She learns rules quickly and behaviour acceptable in a new home will be easy. Consistency in expectations is very important with her. She likes company and so is easy to convince.

OH, and she doesn’t bark overly much, at least not here. After all she is ‘Pyr’ but mine do their guarding well so she may not need to.

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Jun 06, 2013
On The ROOF of our home...
by: Glenn Reid

What a HOOT...Shanti now loves to PROTECT all of our other 3 dogs, and Barb and me, from intruders...

Well the other day last week I looked out the window in our family room to see SHANTI on the roof of our house. I WAS SHOCKED... I have never seen our dogs on the ROOF of our house.

She MUST have stood on our barbecue bench, then jumped to the roof over our basement entrance, and then again jumped onto the main ROOF of our home.

I am 73 years of age in August, had a lot of BIG dogs, BUT NEVER IN MY LIFE looked out this window to see our DOG ON THE ROOF... she was probably chasing a Robbin, as we have LOTS of birds that nest in our grown trees I planted probably about 23 years ago.

We have contractors quoting right now to eliminate this from happening in future as we don't want her hurt in any way trying to protect ALL of us...jumping from the roof to get down from there...(LOL) This totally defeats the purpose of a 6 foot chain-link fence around the property to contain her... as a few weeks prior she jumped a 4 foot fence to go and visit the miniature horses next door... Best ENTERTAINMENT IN THE WORLD at my age...BETTER THAN TV to be outspoken...

What a wonderful loving pet disposition.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH... for bringing SHANTI into our lives she is truly a hoot.
Glenn Reid
She even has our elder 12 year old German Shepherd female running to play with the other two younger dogs now. While she loves to play with ALL of them. All four dogs feed from their own bowls side by side...

May 01, 2013
Thanks You for SHANTI
by: Anonymous

Hi Katy
Shanti has become “very much at home” with the other three dogs, and has had a calming effect over ALL three other dogs with all three accepting her leadership.

Two weeks ago she jumped a 4 foot fence to go into our neighbours yard, and John kept her there with treats until Barb got there to drive her home. Since then we have invested in a NEW six foot high chain link fencing into our yard, installed last week, and she is now secure and VERY happy.

All four dogs sleep together at the foot and sides of our bed, and what a site that has become nightly, all sleeping inches separating often together. They now eat ALL 4 bowls together at the same time morning and night without problems.

Yesterday we had a problem... Kody was outside and jumped on the windowsill barking wanting Shanti to join her outside. Shanti jumped on top of a glass display case of Barb’s containing half of her Royal Doulton character Jug collection, in our family room, knocking off all of Barb’s new vegetable garden seedling growths, for her garden out back, onto the floor. They were growing on top of the display in the sun in the window. The carpet was an awful mess, until the soil dried, and could all be cleaned up off our wall to wall carpet. What a site...Shanti spread out ON TOP of this “GLASS display case” looking out the window at Kodi until Barb yelled at the two of them. What a hoot the dogs where, although the mess was a big problem for Barb as fact.

She is a fantastic dog as fact. We are so pleased with her, and again a BIG thank you to all of you. We are all closer than ever and it is going extremely well. Truly could not ask for anything better.


Glenn Reid and Barb Jasper.

You recall we have 2 German Shepherds Kodi(male,80lbs. 3 years), and Kali (female, 85 lbs.12 years), and a male Golden Retriever Teddy at 120 lbs. 10 years and now Shanti, about 100 lbs. female Great Pyr less than 2 years.

Now a fabulous family PACK to be sure.
What a wonderful dog pack we now have...Whoops got to go, she just ate Barb & my supper off the kitchen table. GOTTA leave...(LOL)

Jan 20, 2013
pyr lover
by: carolyn

I have a purebred male named Samson he is just over two. I have had him since he was 12 weeks of age. His parents come from a long line of Pyrs bred to guard, with minimal human contact. With plenty of patience practice love and discipline he has become a much loved family member.

Though he loves our northern winters I decided he's an indoor boy, I wouldn't give him up for any amount. He knows all the commands including the silent bark, which is adorable since most Pyrs bark at anything and everything, amazing what a dog will do for a turkey heart.

He loves my two cats and my two rats which he feels the need to own. I feel this is the only breed for me, but I can't stress enough that this is too much dog for the average person. This breed should be researched to death before someone brings one home, the cute little fluffy ball stage that gets people by the heart strings is over so fast. It is a commitment for the life of the dog, they need a firm owner that properly teaches the boundaries from day one.

A lot of love and attention is required, and most importantly socialize socialize socialize, with other people AND other animals. I felt a little silly at first but i asked almost every stranger if my dog could come and say hello to them and or their dog everyday. I truly believe that by doing that to this day he makes friends with every dog we come upon... in the near future i want another Pyr, and it will be a rescue....

Jan 10, 2013

~I wish I could take her, but not possible at this time. She is an Angel and needs lots of love~
~Bless her~ and wishing her all the very best for a wonderful loving life~

Jan 10, 2013

~My heart goes out to her. I wish I could take her, but current circumstances will not allow.

How old is she? ...and I am a little confused about her situation. Is she with you as a foster home mother until she can be placed in an appropriate forever home? Does she have any other special needs? or problems?

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