The other evening, sort of late afternoon, me, the wife, and kiddos were relaxing and watching some movies. Surprising enough, the front door had just opened and all confused, we were not expecting company. Our family dog, who was also watching movies lol, INTENTLY ran to the section of hallway between the front door and where we were at, with great ferocity, informed the would-be intruder he did not belong there. The dog did not budge from her spot and this person did not take another step into the doorway. I had just gotten to the hall where she was at and she positioned herself between the door and me.. Interesting.. Anyhow, I questioned this fool as to his intentions and he apologized and stated he had the wrong apartment.. Our dog never attempted to attack the intruder, nor did she attempt to pursue, unlike a few other dogs I have known. Our dog is a Pyr named Quila.
Comments for Great Pyrenees - Wonderful family dogs!
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
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Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
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