Gus Goes to Market

by Frank
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

Great Pyr Gus at the Carp Farmers Market

Great Pyr Gus at the Carp Farmers Market

We live in the Ottawa area and we are blessed to have a Farmers' Market a short 15 minute drive away in the village of Carp. I say we are blessed because we truly are. Not only does this rural Farmers' Market have the freshest produce "right from the land" but it is also very dog friendly. As a result it is a very popular place to bring... yes your guessed it... your dog, and well... your mother-in-law too if you are so inclined!

All dogs are on leash and respectful of vendors' stalls as well as those visitors who may not be so inclined to love canines. I know, it is hard to believe, but such people do exist.

There are hundreds of people and dogs every Saturday throughout the spring, summer and fall. It is an amazing place to socialize a new puppy and to keep an adult dog entertained. Plus you get to meet other dog folks just like you that you would have never met otherwise.

Our Great Pyr, Gus (Pyrennial's One of a Kind) has been a regular visitor to the market every year since he came into our lives as a puppy in 2006. We hardly ever miss a week.

The routine is quite the show. He really knows what is up. On Saturday morning, after breakfast Gus gets his grooming with the rake, pin brush and the slicker. Can't look too good to show off can we? As soon as the tools come out he is ready to go. C'mon Dad get me ready... I wanna go!

Then it's into the back of the SUV or should I say "the Gus Bus" and off we go to the market. He loves it!

And it appears that market folks love the visits too. Everybody knows Gus. And I mean by name. He wears me like jewelery on his leash. I am a nobody when he is there.

Friend of mine went to the market and asked: "Has Frank been here today?" "Frank?" replied the vendor. "The guy who has Gus." he replied. "Oh yes, Gus has been here and left already." was the answer.

Yes Gus is a big hit at the market. It never ceases to amaze me that we never seem to run out of people that stop to talk about Gus and pay attention to him. From babies in strollers to folks in wheel chairs and everything in between, it is a constant flow of interest and admiration.

Of course Gus has his regulars as well. There is Randy the Apple Guy and John the Hot sauce Guy and his favourite... Andrea the Organic Dog Cookie Lady. She always has special loving for Gus... and great cookies too!

It has been three and a half years now and the market has closed for another season, so we have no more socialization for Gus there until the spring. But there is great news!

Gus has proven himself to be so good with other dogs and strangers at the market that we have taken him to Saint John Ambulance where he has just passed his qualification test as a Therapy Dog. A Great Pyr with a job that allows others to share in the luxury of his coat, the gentleness of his character and the caring that he gives naturally to those in need.

Gus has opened so many doors and introduced us to so many people that we would have otherwise not known, it is hard to describe. Once we begin our therapy work so much more will be discovered and learned.

God gave us cats to learn about cats and gave us dogs to learn about ourselves.

Thank you Lois and Ann for the great breeding.

Comments for Gus Goes to Market

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Mar 31, 2010
I know who Gus is!
by: Lisa Darragh

I was talking about Gus in the car on the way home ...believe it or not. We met Gus at the Carp Farmer's Market last summer and he left a big impression on me...kindest , sweetest, gentlest dog...makes me want to own a dog dogs passed,and I always say want a dog like my Bailey again or a Gus!

Jul 13, 2012
"Everybody knows who Gus is"
by: Dutch visitors

Hello Frank, we visited Canada in June of 2012 and saw you and Gus on the Farmers Market. You told us how everybody knows the name of the dog, but that hardly anyone asks what your name is. We took a picture of you and Gus, and it's in our photo album now. With the caption that mentions Gus and Frank. We didn't forget! :-)

In fact, meeting you and your beautiful dog Gus made such an impression that I just now Googled you both and found this page. I don't know if you will ever read this, but we sure enjoyed meeting you and Gus!

Jul 17, 2012
Gus Welcomes Visitors From Holland
by: Frank Farrell

I have the joy of visiting the Carp Farmers Market here in rural Ottawa with Gus. We visit every Saturday that the market is open. We have been doing so for over 6 years. We miss only when its too wet or too hot.

Of course, most people want to know all about Gus and I am happy to tell all about him. As a result, everybody knows Gus. Rarely does anyone ask my name. As a result I am "the guy" with Gus. :-) It's not so bad.

But of course there are always exceptions, and they stand out... especially when they are friendly visitors from Holland and they also want a picture. So of course I remember and I am so happy that Gus (and I) have a place in your photo album of memories of your trip to Canada in 2012. It is an honor.

No need to wonder about me ever seeing your comments on this site. No problem there... I am the creator and maintainer of this site for GPSCO, so I see everything. So happy that you found us and while you're on the site take a look around at some of our beautiful Great Pyrs.

Thanks so much for contacting us and for your kind words. Who knows, one day we may see you at the Farmers Market yet again.

Kind regards,


Mar 24, 2016
Gus going to the market?
by: Anonymous

Is Gus still going to the Carp famers market on Saturdays? We were thinking about taking our puppy there on Saturday and wasn't sure if they allow dogs.


Mar 28, 2016
Gus and Carp Farmers Market
by: Frank

Gus and I used to be regular visitors at the Farmers Market in Carp. Sadly, Gus has gone to the Rainbow Bridge and is no longer with us.

I still miss him terribly, especially on those trips to the market. It is so empty there without him by my side.

Carp Farmers Market is still a wonderful place to take your puppy or dog. Be sure to follow the rules by keeping your dog on leash and out of vendors' stalls.

It is a wonderful place to socialize your puppy to many sights, sounds, smells and people. Be responsible and enjoy.

Apr 08, 2016
Am so sorry.
by: Skippy

Hi Frank, Don't know how long ago you lost Gus. No dog can never take his place. He seems like he was what some would call a heart dog just remember we have room in our hearts for many heart dogs or just plain good dogs.

Hopefully you have found or will find another dog who needs you.

Gus and Lollie were born in the same year. Her story is her. Her story is here.

Pyrs are an awesome dog. Did you ever consider how many of them turn out to be heart dogs?

My deepest sympathy to you in your loss. It seems to go on for so long.


Nov 12, 2023
And here I am again
by: Dutch Visitors

Hi Frank,

11 years have gone by. I came across the picture I took of you in 2012, wondered how you were doing and I am sad to learn that Gus is no longer with us. Thought you would like to know that even across the pond people are still thinking of Gus now and then :-)

"Dogs don't die. They go to sleep in our heart"

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