I was chosen!

the 3 muskateers

the 3 muskateers

We got our first Pyr, Bear, from the Local SPCA. My cousin was volunteering there and he called to tell my wife and I about a German Shepherd puppy that was available for adoption. We already had 1 shepherd and we were thinking of getting a second. I was at work and was unable to go see the pup. A few days later we happened to be driving by the SPCA so we decided to stop and see if the German was still available. It was getting close to closing time so we started walking thru the Kennels. The German was already adopted.... So we kept looking... Bear was the last dog in the last row of the building. The place closed at 8PM and it was around 7:45PM. I bent down and picked him up(he was 4 months old at the time) He gave an ever so gently kiss on my nose and cheeks... I looked at my wife and said this is my dog. I looked at the teenage attendant and told her the same thing... She looked confused and was like sir we can't do an adoption this late. I looked at her and said perhaps you misunderstood me... I said this my dog... She said she would go get a supervisor. An older woman came over and asked me what the problem was. I said there is no problem at all. I just told the young lady that this is my dog.... She smiled and understood that I wasn't taking any chances .... We went to the counter and proceeded to do the adoption paperwork and I picked him up 2 days later. it has been a love affair ever since.

Bear is super friendly gets along with other dogs but does not like wild animals at all.... He has killed 3 Possums, a raccoon, a rabbit (No idea how he caught it) 3 garter/Milk snakes, He almost killed a feral cat (I saved it) and not sure if he did it or not but on three separate occasions I have found piles of Bird feathers in my yard. (We have an acre of land fenced in that he has free reign of)

The only time he has growled at person...and it was the Pyr growl, was one night I was taking out the garbage, I have a long driveway on a dark street with not many people around. Some guy was out for a walk and I didn't see him. Bear did... He lot a growl that made the hair on my neck stand up. It scared the guy too as screamed out that he was just walking and please don't let your dog loose. Bear got a couple of extra biscuits that night. Bear just turned 9... and we got new puppy for him (haha) His name is Avalanche and the way he comes running ...he is an Avalanche.... Bear has taken to him and our other German puppy Bruna very well.... He is teaching both of them the ropes and it is so funny watching them copy what he does... Bear Loves to chase airplanes.. (I think one day he might catch one) He ran after one in the yard and Avalanche copied his every move...

Comments for I was chosen!

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Dec 11, 2016
A natural
by: Ed A. From NJ

It sounds to me like bear is a natural guard. Some might say he is a bit to aggressive but if he is nine with no bites to his name I would not say that. I have found pyrenees have a uncanny sence of who don't belong. Since pyrenees are more prone to protect by intimation then attack it sounds like bear has it down pretry well. So let bear show the new puppy the ropes (of course there is nothing wrong with you stepping in to tweek the training to Taylor it to perfection). Enjoy watching the passing of the torch!

Dec 11, 2016
Sweet Pyr
by: Anonymous

Very sweet story. Thanks for taking the time to post it!

Dec 12, 2016
Not many would think he is too aggressive... just the opposite
by: Paul B

Bear is only aggressive toward wild animals... Other than that he is a goof ball with an extremely gentle and almost too affectionate persona. He loves other dogs and people....

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