We ADORE our Pyr...cannot say that enough. At 9 mos. his enthusiasm for just about everything is boundless. He's just an amazing, happy boy and a joy to be with. Leashed walks however are becoming an adventure; the bigger he grows, the more powerful his enthusiasm.
Recently we took both dogs and Tobi the cat on a long road trip. Dog/cat walks in all kinds of new and interesting places. We try to be discreet but its a hard thing to do with our black and white dog duo and the cat, also leashed, tail straight up proudly marching with "his" boys.
On one of those walks, a lady approached us and we cautioned her about the Pyre's greeting style. It's still a work in progress. She just smiled and asked if it was all right if she came up to them anyway, asked their names and spoke to them softly... all 3 instantly took to her. Truth be told we did also.
Within mere minutes the 4-leggeds were quietly laying at our feet, as we have taught them, and she asked had we tried a "gentle leader collar" on the Pyr? No, but it sounded intriguing. We liked the "gentle" part. So, we asked just what is that exactly, and what will it do for 100+ lbs. of our bouncing baby? She explained all, and the fact that she bred and trained Fox Hounds and had used the "halti" for years with much success.
So, on the premise "nothing ventured, nothing gained", we bought ourselves some help. And we can say unequivocally, it works! And even though we've had many dogs over the years, trained them all with the same kindness and respect without the use of a gentle leader, we both remember the dogs we should have had this collar for. Negotiations with the pup on the wearing of the new thing are ongoing, but every day there's improvement. It's all good...successful road trip, happy dog walkers and happy dogs.
Comments for It's a what???
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM