It's a what???


We ADORE our Pyr...cannot say that enough. At 9 mos. his enthusiasm for just about everything is boundless. He's just an amazing, happy boy and a joy to be with. Leashed walks however are becoming an adventure; the bigger he grows, the more powerful his enthusiasm.

Recently we took both dogs and Tobi the cat on a long road trip. Dog/cat walks in all kinds of new and interesting places. We try to be discreet but its a hard thing to do with our black and white dog duo and the cat, also leashed, tail straight up proudly marching with "his" boys.

On one of those walks, a lady approached us and we cautioned her about the Pyre's greeting style. It's still a work in progress. She just smiled and asked if it was all right if she came up to them anyway, asked their names and spoke to them softly... all 3 instantly took to her. Truth be told we did also.

Within mere minutes the 4-leggeds were quietly laying at our feet, as we have taught them, and she asked had we tried a "gentle leader collar" on the Pyr? No, but it sounded intriguing. We liked the "gentle" part. So, we asked just what is that exactly, and what will it do for 100+ lbs. of our bouncing baby? She explained all, and the fact that she bred and trained Fox Hounds and had used the "halti" for years with much success.

So, on the premise "nothing ventured, nothing gained", we bought ourselves some help. And we can say unequivocally, it works! And even though we've had many dogs over the years, trained them all with the same kindness and respect without the use of a gentle leader, we both remember the dogs we should have had this collar for. Negotiations with the pup on the wearing of the new thing are ongoing, but every day there's improvement. It's all good...successful road trip, happy dog walkers and happy dogs.

Comments for It's a what???

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May 23, 2015
Your Pyrs
by: Donna

It sounds like you are having great fun with your dogs. That's great!

Here is the trick to not having your dog haul you around. The key is that dog just want to go for a walk. So, you use that as his reward.

When the dog pulls. You stop. Dog cannot go forward. When there is slack in the leash and/or he turns and looks at you wondering why you are not moving forward, you give him a big 'good boy' and walk forward. The going forward is the reward.

He'll start to pull, again. You do the same thing. He will get it eventually but it will take time. They are smart dogs and will get it figured out.

In short:

If I pull, I'm not allowed to go anywhere. When I don't pull, my reward is to go forward.

May 23, 2015
Glad for you
by: Ed A from NJ

I am glad the leader worked for you, before Beau was service trained we broke a gentle leader, I was told I had it on wrong. Since I am friends with the store owner he said he would show me the correct way to use the leader. That was the second one he broke. Maybe 180 is a little big for the leader he was 15 pounds larger then and youth abound at that point. Since service training he is easy as walking a little puppy. So to sell the gentle leader users I would say begin training in a cofind area.

May 25, 2015
re: its a what?
by: Anonymous

For sure early training along the same lines as Donna has suggested, has worked with our pup very well. It was most likely the reason the use of the halti was so immediately effective. It's entirely self regulating, which he already knew about. As you say...they're pretty smart. And he has an exceptional canine companion/role model when it comes to leashed walks. We too had a fear that this little strap could snap and we'd be chasing a gleeful unleashed Pyr down the road! After all, we witnessed him snap a light chain at 5 mos.! I think the biggest lesson for us is the fact that he grew so very quickly from fluffy puppy into a very big powerful dog. Something for everyone to remember when contemplating adopting one of these beauties.

May 27, 2015
Greyhound collar
by: Michael

I was introduced to a Martingale collar by my son who keeps Greyhounds. We have had very good luck raising our male pup to the ripe old age of fourteen months using one of these. Instead of me explaining the workings one should Google it up.

Aug 17, 2015
Gentle leader to the rescue!
by: Meredith

We have a 9 mo old GP as well. When she was about 5 mo walks became very difficult. I loved walking her with her mom (who is a 2 y/o GP mix) but the two of them could almost pull me over. After an ankle injury, I knew I just couldn't walk them anymore. We decided to give gentle leaders a try. My husband gave it a whirl (while I was still out with injury) and said that even if they cost $100,000 he would get a second mortgage to buy them.

Life savers. We can walk them in peace and with relative ease now. I was even able to walk them while I was in my stability boot - something I never imagined. Hooray for gentle leaders!

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