Jack guards Tim

by Hayley phillips
(Cook, Washington 98605 U.S.A.)

My Great Pyrenees, Jack, who died 3/1/2014 at 11 years was always amazing me.
After taking a roommate into my home my dog, Jack changed his nightly routine.
At bedtime he'd take my second pillow and get comfy. I'd him give him a hug, say goodnight and fall asleep. That's when he'd get off the bed and find a cooler spot on the floor, where I'd find him in the morning. This was the "norm."
When Tim came the past 7 year's goodnight routine curiously changed. Jack would start out by jumping up on my bed and letting me say goodnight. After I was under the covers, light still on he'd jump down, look back at me from his exit at the bedroom door, as if saying, he had to go. This went on for a some time.
I tried finding out why my dog had changed our nightly routine. This wouldn't happen until all circumstances fell into place. It happened one night as I stumbled in to the den half asleep. I had heard a noise that got me out of bed. I wanted to find out if Tim had heard it. What I found was my Great Pyrenees, Jack, keeping Tim from rolling up in his covers during a seizure. He wasn't going to suffocate in his bedding or due to the saliva running down his cheek. Jack kept that in check too. Later, I found out that Tim had a history of nocturnal seizures since a past head trauma.
How Jack knew, that's one of the characteristics of the Great Pyrenees. I will always have one, or two.

Comments for Jack guards Tim

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Jul 20, 2017
Beautiful Angel Jack!
by: Sherry Blonde

What an amazing story! This breed continues to amaze me! Thank you for sharing it. Brought me to tears. I am sure he is watching over you still.

Jul 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

Lovely story. Your Jack, true to his breed instinctively knew who needed him the most. But, talk about empathy!, kissed you goodnite before he went to his post.
Kind of like gravity, guardianship is always 'on' with these dogs. They always know the difference between what is good and what is bad. Ours stands straight up on his 2 hind legs much like a grizzly so he can see into the distance better, and so assess the situation correctly. He knows he has the ability and fully expects to take charge, if the need arises.
An amazing creature.
Your memories of Jack are a treasure and his legacy. Thank you for sharing.

Mar 23, 2018
Milo is only part pyr
by: Jeanette

Milo is only part pyrenee. He learned from daughters elder seizure dog. how to do seizure alert in advance , and wait during and reorient after.

I hope in the future to do as well as Milo for her next service dog.

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