
We are very sad to announce the passing of Jack. He was only adopted in January of this year.

This is from Jack's foster:

This woman is a marvellous sheep farmer and animal lover and a model guardian dog owner. She has over 80 sheep in two pens and at least two guardian dogs per pen. The training and attention that these dogs receive is, in my mind, unparalleled. Unfortunately they had to say good-bye to Jack after a diagnosis of a very painful cancer. Jack was quite a character and left a great impression on those who met him.

The world needs more Jacks and Kimberlees.

From Kimberlee, Jack's guardian:

People think that because they buy, rescue, or adopt a dog, that they own it ... but you never truly own them, until they own you. To become a partner with a canine takes mutual trust and respect that is fostered by the cornerstones of love, direction, patience, kindness, consistency and sincerity.

My Jacky boy came to me from the rescue already being his own dog, just as many of the independent thinking / independent decision making breeds are. As a working dog here on the farm we worked side by side guiding him through his training and the expectations to guard his designated flock of sheep, accepting him for who he was and encouraging his development. Morning and night we diligently, and at times intensely worked to develop his existing attributes, and mould the expectations of his path going forward. In the short 8 months we had together, my Jacky boy and I packed what most would pack into their relationships in 8 years.

Jacky boy was loving, eager, loyal, committed, determined, confident and fearless, sweet .... and sour at the same time (lol). Wagging his tail, My Jacky boy would look lovingly at me with his big brown eyes, and give me his big snaggle tooth grin every morning, making me chuckle – what a character. My Jacky boy valued and liked very much to be the ruler of his own day. Jacky boy worked diligently keeping his posts, fence lines, and herd monitored and safe, all the while keeping an eye out for the kids on the yard at play. Jacky boy quickly fell into line with the rest of the working dogs so much so that later on he began to work with new trainees. Jacky boy was born to work his job and live his life as he chose fit - out running the pasture keeping a closeful watch.
While I may do the daily feedings, grunt work, and financially back this farm, in no way am I oblivious to the key factor that the canines of this farm are the owners and operators, and that the success of this farm solely depends on them doing their jobs.
With utmost sincerity, thank you my Jacky boy for the time you put forth as an active team member assisting on the farm. It was a privilege my friend, my loved canine owner.
To be owned by a dog, the love, trust, devotion, sincerity and respect, is a privileged relationship, unique in its own right each time, never comparable. We will miss him forever. His humans and farm:

Kimberlee, Mike, William and Ryker
“WR my two little lambs” Farm


We are thrilled to announce that Jackie-boy's adoption is final. It took much time, guidance and patience by his new people to have him get used to his flock of sheep but, he has now passed with flying colours .

He was sniping at the sheep but that has subsided. He quickly learned the boundaries of his property and has taken like a Pyr to sheep.

He works with other dogs to keep their flock safe.

He is well-loved, cared-for and gets to do the job for which he was meant.

Congratulations to Jack and his new people!

From his people: Jacky boy is doing wonderfully. He is who he is, and we accept him for that. Even though he has a no nonsense outlook, he is excited to have me and the kids pet him. Affections on his terms though (lol). He protects the pasture and works his fence line very effectively – he’s a perfect fit here at our home. He reminds me frequently of my old Queenie girl (other than her undying devotion and closeness to the kids), his attitude is very much like hers was.

His radom sniping has continued to decrease significantly. He seems happy to be the controller of his own life and his own environment. He comes in and out at free will. I see him out the majority of the time doing his fence lines or finding a neutral spot to lie and watch.

At lamb weaning time, he will go from the paddock to the pasture, so from 1 acre to 9 acres of bush land. He’ll have to step his game up then, but doing their fence lines are the same whether it be 1 acre or 50 acres. He works with Sissy and she is very strong at her job and her ethics. They’ll do fine.

I am super happy with my Jacky-boy, and he will never leave the farm - like the others here, he has found his last stop.

If you, Craig or the Dr. are ever down in the area and want to stop to see his development, with a family that loves him, doing the job that he was meant to do, by all means pop in for a visit. If I’m not around he’ll be out in the pasture behind my house - you’ll see them if you just walk out back - when they hear you they’ll come out full force to protect their fence line ... lol. (you guys have the address).

His story:

We believe Jack to be between 6-8 years old. He is a Maremma mix and weighs approximately 95 lbs. Jack came to us from a small farm where he protected chickens. Not being fenced properly, he occasionally wandered onto a neighbour’s farm to tend to their cows so he is familiar with livestock.

His owner had a downturn to his health, and surrendered Jack so he could be properly looked after.

Jack is very friendly and affectionate. He loves human companionship so he deserves a family environment. He prefers the outdoors, and he does show protective tendencies so a small family farm would be ideal as long as he gets some love and attention from his owners. Since he is used to being outside, access to an insulated dog house is essential.

As large guardian livestocks do, he barks when strangers and other dogs go by, so not ideal for suburban life.

Comments for Jack

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Oct 26, 2019
Thinking of you
by: Kimberlee WR my two little lambs farm

Thinking of you and missing you Jacky boy

Sep 14, 2018
“WR my two little lambs” Farm
by: Kimberlee

Thank you for your kind words and support.

I miss my Jacky boy.

Aug 21, 2018
by: Marilyn & her pack

I am incredibly sorry for your loss. How lucky for you both that you found each other for the time Jack had. <3

Aug 21, 2018
Farewell to Jacky Boy
by: Anonymous

So sorry fo your loss... such an amazing story ! You are exactly right when you say " you don’t own them until they own you !"
I am sure you gave Jack a life of purpose, trust and love. Please keep doing what you do for these majestic dogs.

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