Jazz (Formerly Sasha)

Great Pyr Rescue - Jazz

Great Pyr Rescue - Jazz

Jazz has officially been adopted. Her new family is signing up for obedience classes and what a great way to bond with her. Here is her story:

Jazz (formerly Sasha), born March 8, 2011 is a spayed, micro-chipped and vaccinated Great Pyrenees x Labrador cross. She looks far more like a lab but her previous owners provided a picture of her pyr mom which will come with her along with her records and a couple of toys.

Jazz was originally surrendered by her people when one of them had been in a serious accident and after several months, they realized they couldn't care for both of their dogs, so Jazmine ended up in care. She was very well-cared for.

Now, her adopter, sadly, is no longer able to care for her due to health issues, as well We hope we can find a forever home for this lovely girl.

She loves absolutely everything and everybody unconditionally, is very playful and is a huge snugglebug! She will crawl up on your lap for a cuddle given the chance, which for a 90-ish pound dog, she's very good at!

She's used to having a doggy partner in the house, so she could likely go to a home with another dog. She does like to chase cats for fun which ends in kisses or the cat running upstairs, so whether she goes to a home with a cat depends on how patient the cat is.

She walks well with a halti but will pull hard to see other dogs, rabbits and squirrels otherwise. This can be resolved with patient training so perhaps a halti will not be required.

She knows some commands and just needs some reinforcement. She is VERY treat motivated so this is not hard at all. She is also completely housebroken from the time she was a small puppy and is crate trained.

Her first owners had several grandchildren and reportedly she got along very well with them. She seems to be very nice with children in her foster family's neighbourhood as well, even allowing the neighbour's daughter the same age as her to walk over and give her a kiss while she sat nicely.

They must be contained within a fenced-in area of a minimum of six-foot secure fencing in which they can play and watch over their territory. Tie-outs are not suitable since this does not allow them to properly patrol their territory or play without getting tangled up. They have been known to go through electric fencing and this only makes them fearful once they are shocked.

Jazz would be great for an energetic family with a yard and lots of walking time and lots of love to give for this wonderful dog. Won't you take loving Jazz into your forever home?

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Apr 21, 2015
by: Tammy

Jazz is doing quite well. Loves our son and has picked him as her "person". Sleeps with him every night. Beside him, draped on him and sharing his pillows with him. They love each other.

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