Just sharing my magnificent Pry Riley

by lisa vermeulen
(midhurst ont,canada)

My Boy Riley...

My Boy Riley...

Thought I would share this pic... yes he is regal and he is gorgeous... and yes he knows it!

Mine is not really a story but a tribute to my beautiful Pyr Riley. He has been a handful,hard to train and has a mind of his own. Has eaten boots that have never been worn lol... shoes, sandals, slippers among other things... he was bored.

But what a great experience it has been to have the love of this amazing animal. He is my protector, my best friend, and yes a topic of conversation on a daily basis... people love the look of him but I tell them pyr's are not for everyone. If you have the time and the love I would recommend these gentle giants to everyone... But be warned they are a lot of work and require a great deal of patience.

Riley has been one of the best things in my life and I cherish every day I have with this magnificent dog. And yes make room on the bed!

Comments for Just sharing my magnificent Pry Riley

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Jan 14, 2012
"indestructible" ..not true
by: Jennifer

Our Garrett looks very similar to Riley and has the exact same habits that Riley has.
I wonder if you wouldn't mind emailing me, I would love to find out what you are doing to stop the boredom. Garrett will disembowel a toy in seconds, making sure to spit out all of the "guts". He will either go through "indestructible" toys in minutes or wont even pay them any attention. He decided the other day that he wanted to see out the front window and felt the curtains needed to be gone....needless to say I will have to replace them.
He is so different from our other Pyr.
I would appreciate the support and would love to swap stories of our handsome boys.

Jan 15, 2012
Too busy to chew....
by: Martha

Riley is indeed regal and handsome....that expression on his face says it all! Pyrs may appear lazy, but they actually love to be active. They are truly "working" dogs and I am very fortunate that my dog Frank has a big herd of humans (and other pets) to keep tabs on. Thankfully she hasn't figured out that chewing our shoes could be very entertaining; I'm guessing she is too busy checking on who is coming and going in our diverse household of 8 bi-peds, one feline, and two terriers. She is very focused on patrolling all of our entry ways and exits; and quite "Frankly" I wouldn't have her any other way.

Keep writing...would love to read more.

Apr 12, 2014
Thousands worth of destructions.
by: HTan

Yup, definitely can attest to the destructive "bored" behaviours. Pyrs are intelligent souls after all... So its important to keep them occupied (chews, freezes, milk jugs, soda bottles, kongs, big doggie bones etc.).

Roman too lives to chew, big bucks chewer too...
Yup. Ate up thousands worth in carpeting, furniture (hot tubs, deck box, TV cabinets etc.), not to mention shoes (ex designer shoe addict).
But to me, his precious life is worth more than those replaceable mundane materials. Roman boy is not replaceable... Not one bit.

And agree with Riley's mom...
This breed is not for everyone.
Unless you can put in the time and love a pyr deserves, you are only setting up to break these awesome breeds' hearts.

Too many, too many have been given up because their family simply do not have the time to properly "stimulate" the brilliant minds of that pyrs'.

Only with a will and love stronger than the pyrs' own can one truly appreciates these lovely beings.

We humans do clean up their messes after all... So humans can "love more".

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