by Kaycie
(North Liberty, Iowa, US)
Kiya is our 11 week old Great Pyrenees puppy, and even though she is so young, she very clearly already has a distinct personality. Kiya is the most fun, lovable, playful little happy pup around. She LOVES her food, she LOVES any and all kinds of shoes (no matter how many times they get her in trouble) and she LOVES to talk. Kiya likes to talk when she's telling us she's got to go potty, she likes to talk when she plays, she likes to talk when we are supposed to be sleeping, and she really likes to talk when she's being told "no." You see, Kiya likes to talk back. She's a sassy little girl when she's naughty, and that only makes it harder to stay mad! Kiya is such a fast learner, though! She knows how to sit and stay, she is just about potty trained, she's very sweet, she's great with kids, and she is learning to only nibble on her million toys that she's got instead of our fingers or shoes. I am so excited to keep watching her grow!
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