by Huey T
(Heavens know where)
A truly intelligent species doesn't necessary mean a "blind obedience" (per me).
We are a family newly owned (2 months only) by our belove great pyr who is but 5 months old and this story is written about this great pyr by the name of "Roman" (dubbed by daughter) or "the Romeo" of the gals of this family, or "Romano" cheese when he is "pigging" for food (and what a real cheese connoisseur he is).
The day we drove Roman from his mom is when he is about 11+ weeks old. He is crying and pawing sadly being taken away in a SUV. Through the rear view mirror, we see his mommy chasing along the fence line (superior hearing of course) to see her son off, and what a sad scene indeed.
Roman is from a small litter of only 2 babies and very tightly bonded to his mom I heard, probably still on mom's milk with a very new introduction to kibbles, can't even chew too well when he is brought home.
That day we brought him home is also the same day Roman learned how to "sit"; learn in less than a day or in a car trip home. This is still his most practiced command, but he'll sit for just about anything even before the command is issued. Later, we would combined this voice command along with hand signal too... and he reacts very well to both voice & hand commands now. I will also add that most commands it took him less than 3 times to fully grasp its meaning... seriously. Now after so many times of "practicing" & him getting bored... is only when he would be "turned off" & refusing to further participate in this "below his IQ" nonsense (per him of course).
The reason why I wanted to write this story and the title will be for the below reasons that only just happened (and before I forget due to my own lack of memory)...
-Also as we all know (in our hearts) how "unfairly" intelligence-wise the dog breed groups have ranked out dearest great pyr with the so-called obedience tests...
Just last night, with my daughter looking on when hubby is brushing up on training Roman with his absolute favorite bacon treat, Roman have done (sit, shake and both paws now mind you... plus the newly learned down) "in a flash" even before my hubby issued any commands or can register what has just happened with daughter giggling on the back ground and Roman looking up "expectantly" asking "now where is my bacon?" at hubby.
Yes... Our dear great pyr has chosen to perform all 3 "tricks" at once without being asked to as if to say... "OK, lets get on with all this nonsense now lets get straight to the point = treat."
Hmmmph... not a smart breed are they???
P.S. Maybe just a bit too smart to listen to us humans after all.
Comments for Masters NOT slaves.
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