Milo 1/2 pyre helps daughter thru seizure , he's adopted only 2 hours , event

by Jeanette
(Illinois , usa)

Milo teaches himself . I had only had Milo in our family about 2 hours when this event happened.
I went to rescue shelter with my daughter and our dog that we already have so all can meet potential new dog Milo.

Milo is 1/2 Pyrenees and 1/2 other breeds neutered male. He is 18 months old as of May 2016.
On the way home from the rescue shelter where I adopted him, I stop for gas . My daughter and other dog King were also in the car.

King is epilepsy support dog for my daughter he is 11 years old. He is 1/2 Aussie cattle dog and 1/2 black lab. Daughter has a seizure so King uses a special bark to alert me if I'm away. I'm outside the car pumping gas. He does this bark. Milo also barks and at first a very deep huge guttural bark. Then Milo changes the sound of his bark to sound like King's special seizure alert bark.
I help daughter and then King puts his paw on her and licks her hand as she is in the tired confused phase that occurs after seizure. Milo licks King's ear and King makes space. So Milo also puts his paw on daughter and he licks her ears.
Then daughter falls asleep as often happens. Both dogs return to their own seats and both stare into space. I drive home.

Have fun with this story tell me ask me .

Comments for Milo 1/2 pyre helps daughter thru seizure , he's adopted only 2 hours , event

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Jun 20, 2016
by: Donna

He may be a mix but he is a smart dog. Good boy. That is absolutely amazing. Dogs just have that sense about them.

I hope the two males continue to cohabit and get along well.

Jun 22, 2016
Milo helps pack mate be unafarid.
by: Jeanette

I've had Milo only since May 27,2016 . He is 1/2 pyr and 1/2 unknown. My other dog King is 1/2 Aussie cattle dog and is 1/2 black lab. He is 11 years old and afraid of thunder and fireworks because before I got him as a puppyhe had been abused by kids who threw fireworks at his head . Usually I would give him a mellow rx the vet recommended.
What does this have to with Milo? Well, he has assigned himself a job.
When King is afraid of a sound. Milo interrupts kings fearful circle whine. Then Milo makes a mumble rumble aaah sound over and over it is soft and low. The result is that as long as Milo makes this sound King is not fearful acting.
My daughter is 28 mentally challenged and Milo has started to make the same sound pattern when she has PTSD anxiety . She cuddles him And is calmed. She sez Milo is her charming fellow.
Where did he learn this I can not guess is it a pyr dog thing.?

Jun 23, 2016
by: Donna

Pyrs are guardian livestock dogs. They also have the same sense for humans in need.

It is very much a Pyr thing.

You have a good boy!

Jun 23, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymousjeanette

Thank you for your comments even tho have tried to read up on the pyr dog things it is nice to understand it more. As I've not had a pyr before he is unique. And I'm learning as I go. He came to me obedience trained. Alto I've not tested recall off leash . thank you

Jun 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing this story about your daughter and her 2 canine guardian angels. Isn't love an amazing thing? No barriers! Just love and empathy and compassion from a creature that was once regarded as not even having a soul.
Please keep talking...write to breed magazines...tell and tell and tell. We humans need to understand all the other worlds out there that belong to creatures other than us.

Jun 28, 2016
I'm always learning
by: Jeanette

I'm always learning, thanks for a good comment. My dog king, he is 11 years old and has age related vision problems. When at dog park he's usually ok in full sun. But sometimes it' becomes overcast he can't see well then, so he whines and Milo goes and blows air on his face. Then Milo grabs King by his collar and guides him to me. If I try to help, Milo wants me to wait my turn . Milo thinks of it as his job. Milo wants to tend King. So he does and we stand or sit together, and wait , King feels secure we are together as we wait and then say when the sun comes out. They return to playing. With each other and with other dogs. As tho nothing had happened.

Oct 17, 2016
At assisted living center Milo is pet
by: Anonymous

I go to assisted living centers and nursing homes milo is pet by the folks. And some of the elderly want to sit and pet him and talk to him . They aren't speaking to me. They are speaking to Milo.

He is gentle mild and calm. They LOVE him so much. He enjoys it, and I have a good time too. It's a wonderful hobby.

Oct 17, 2016
Milo nursing home visitor
by: Jeanette

Milo goes to nursing home and ASSISSTED living centers where the elderly pet him and talk to him it's a fun hobby for me and Milo. Milo wears bandanna scarfs that are seasonal. Thanx

Oct 17, 2016
Milos other 1/2 is ...
by: Jeanette

Milos other 1/2 is Saint Bernard and white lab. His front feet are webbed like a lab and his back feet are not . I love him so.

Mar 07, 2017
Milo and me
by: Jeanette

I also have PTSD from the same life experience that gave my daughter PTSD. When Milo was 2 in dec 2016. He began doing what I call PTSD interrupt pause distract and comfort . For me too he had been doing that for my daughter from day one. For me it took six months to add me to his perceived jobs. He taught himself we never taught him any of these tasks . He foolows me from room to room . 2 steps behind me and he sometimes touches the tip of his nose to my hand .

Milo is the absolutely most wonderful amazing being I have ever ever met. He is my angel

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