Milo and when I whistle

by Jeanette
(Northern Illinois usa)

Milo smiling

Milo smiling

Milo heard whistling on Andy Griffith tv show. Milo may have been taught to bark horribly and most ferociously deep and scary loud . He heard whistling on Andy Griffith tv show he barked like this. So later I whistled same thing . He raises his hackles and hops up and down on his front feet and show his teeth .

Then when I say hokay he stops sits down and is completely calm and sweet natured he is the darling charming goof ball. If I say okay no ' H' sound he partly continues . If I had the hard ' h '. Sound he stops.

Then he wants me to say good dog so I do. Has anyone ever heard of this ?

Milo is pyr x St. Bernard x white lab. He is 2 years two months old. We've had him 8 months . It is as if we've always had him in our family. He was a bottle fed runt. Now weighs 75 pounds which the vet says is his right weight. We are his third family . At the no kill shelter he was trust trained and obedience trained ( these two are not the same thing ).

Comments for Milo and when I whistle

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Mar 28, 2017
by: Anonymous

There will probably always be some things about Milo that you will never understand. This is normal. It happens with humans, too.
So, you will only be able to guess at why he does this. It could be an unpleasant memory link or, it could simply be Milo saying 'STOP! That sharp noise you are making really hurts my ears!'
Right now, he is showing you forcefully that he cannot tolerate this sound.
You can try to habituate him to the sound making a very soft whistle sound while you rub his belly, for instance. In others words, make a link to that soft comforting whistling sound, while something pleasant is happening between you and Milo.
Monitor his reactions very carefully. He must stay relaxed. Do this as many times in the day as the opportunity for a rub presents itself. Do not MAKE him lay down and then force him to accept must be a comforting experience for him. Eventually he may come to accept your whistling. Or, he may never. You will have to accept his choice either way.
You could also try to just avoid those situations were Milo may hear that sound, so that he has nothing to react to, be scary, or bark fierce.
Be careful with this. Milo is just Milo. And you must only ever be his trusted friend and not the source of something he clearly cannot tolerate. You love Milo and he loves you. Stay that way. Good luck.

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