by Bluebell,Jeanette daughter
(Northern Illinois usa)
He's my very very best friend . Milo when we got him was " on guard " all the time and not much my friend . And now he is my buddy. We've had him my very very best friend for 8 months.
At frirst he did not notice me. And now he shows me he loves me. Mom ( Jeanette) Said he had to get comfy and feel good about being here since he missed where he lived before. We are his third family, see.
He helps me with my health issues he's my seizure doggy , he's my anxiety doggy. He sleeps on my feet when I sleep.
He loves dog treats . He loves celery, rutabaga, sweet potatoe., spinach, Mama gives him eggs.
(This was written by Jeanette's developmentally disabled daughter she is 29 years old by calendar years. And 2nd grade age by developmentally disabled factor years, if you know what I mean . It hard to explain )
Milo is pyr x St. Bernard x white lab , he was the runt of his litter and was bottle fed. He is 75 USA pounds . He is 2 years and 2 months old.
Comments for Milo is my buddy
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
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