by Jeanette
(Northern Illinois usa)
Milo, on command will be mean or bark and will stop on command also. Why would anyone teach this to him ? I can't figure out what purpose there would be for teaching him this.
IF hears whistling on tv , that's how it began, or if I whistle at a bird. He turns his back on me and acts as the nastiest meanst dog you can ever imagine. If I say hokay he stops immediately and returns to the cute charming goof he is usually.
I can't figure out what purpose there is for this being taught to a dog. That is my question
Also he will bark if I stretch my hands above my head hands interlocked until I put my hands at my side then he stops and is an adorable family member again. If my hands aren't interlocked he looks at me intently but does not bark.
I have looked online and can't find any indication of the purpose of a dog being taught these two things. I'm interested in why this was considered useful by a previous owner or by anyone what's the point of it. Thanks, Jeanette
Comments for Milo , why did previous owner teach him to be mean on commmand
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
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