Misha the Sugar Bear of Hope

by Candice
(Manchester, CT USA)

My mom and I have an old lab rescue who used to be her service dog. My husband and I have our Rottie/pit rescue. With my 10 year old autistic son and a preteen daughter the most important thing is their safety. Both the lab and mix are gentle giants and will bark and protect but after reading an ad in a paper we decided to go see the Great Pyrenees puppies.

It was my Mom's birthday so I figure why not?!

Well we arrived to a strait out of hell puppy mill!!! We were told the older pups can go for less. In a deplorable fenced in area of cars, parts, mud and oil we saw Misha in with all bigger older Males. She had been bit and neglected very thin. Then she picked her head up and looked up at our eyes. That was it we had to take her home! We did and called the local dog warden. It was shutdown.

Knowing only bully breeds I figured this is going to be easy. We pulled up to our drive way and I had to lift her out of the car. She went full marshmallow! (Marshmallow is the term we use for when Misha lays down and refuses to move)

She needed all of us including the two other dogs to show her how to pass a doorway, how it's ok to eat slow, and then 4 weeks later she's at 6 months old she showed us a Great Pyrenees.

Ten pound bag of confectioners sugar on the top of the refrigerator exploded in my kitchen. That's my only conclusion...until I saw Misha! Covered in powder. Grooming was laughing but shocked she had no mats.

She saved my son! He had rage fits. Not anymore. Misha puts her paws on his shoulders and lays down with him. Pinning him and kissing his face.

Now she is 1.5 years old. I must admit they should not be classified as a dog. They are more like individual protective large cats. Lol.

We thank Misha everyday for what she has done with my son. Their bond is so strong.

Misha''s only issue is you cannot yell at a child! She will put herself right in front of you.
We love her so much!

Comments for Misha the Sugar Bear of Hope

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Sep 26, 2015
...for the one you save, you are the world.
by: Anonymous

Thank you, thank you... from all of us out here who love these wonderful dogs; for saving the one and ensuring the shut down of the puppy mill and a chance at a life for the others. Your Misha is one lucky little lady. God bless and happy, long life for all in your care.

Sep 26, 2015
the jig is up
by: Ed A from NJ

Darn it another person has figured it out! There are angels on earth their name is great Pyrenees mountain dog. Wish I had a dime for every wonderful ending these dogs provide. I could pay a dollar for every story of one being viscous to humans and still get rich. These are without any question the most natural champion on the planet. The epitome of "mans best Friend. You story also speaks to the resiliency and ability to recover that all dogs share. The abuse of rotten people can not ruin the sprite god has put into this amazing wonderful breed. God bless you for a heart to see your way threw that horrible place and not only pick out your plum but them turn the battleship back to destroy the animals harming our beloved breed. Well done in every way.

Sep 26, 2015
by: Donna

Most will say never take a puppy from a puppy mill because you only open up another spot, which is true. However, you followed-up, did the right thing and actually, unbelievably, had the place shut down. Congratulations.

Misha is a rescue and they always know when they have been rescued. You and your family have been her saviour and she has found her place in your family.

Well done.

Sep 28, 2015
Beautiful Misha!
by: Sherry Blonde

Cried and laughed through your whole story.

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