My love for my Pyr!

by Nathan

First of all, I'd like to say I love my Pyr and wouldn't give him up for the world. I took my Pyr from his first owner when he was 1 year old. He was somewhat socialized but not fully. I brought him into my home with my room mates miniature german pinscher. They instantly became friends! The cat on the other hand...Lets just say they like to stay out of each others way and don't know how to play together due to size difference.

I live in a public community that has many other dogs. I have managed to train him to not run out of the yard after almost a year of training. He likes to keep in his "area" witch is the perimeter of the yard but he prefers to be inside the house. The only two places he will sleep or lay is directly on the door, witch I found out is a pretty common trait. He also will stay in the central bathroom due to it being in sight and hearing distance of everything. He seems to be on guard constantly but on a whim will come put his face right in your lap for attention.

He does have his stubborn streaks. I grew up in a house that bred collies and shelties my entire life though so large breeds and runners are not very difficult for me to train. Overall I love my Pyr and have already had a room mate move out because I chose the dog over the person. It's his house too now. If anyone walks past he barks, if someone starts their car 2 blocks away he barks. I am pretty used to it by now.

All and all I'd say I either got lucky with my Pyr or he is just right for me. He is calm when I am and excited when I am. He knows when your sad and will come to comfort you. His eyes and tail are the most distinctive of all of his physical traits. I love Ralphy and he respects and follows his masters. What else could you ask for from a Pyr?

Comments for My love for my Pyr!

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Aug 04, 2012
I Completely Understand~
by: Connie Ramey

~My rescue Pyr~my beLOVEd Angel~girl~Kia~is exactly like this too~
~I adopted her 2 years ago~at the age of 3~from a sad and lonely isolated life~
~I LOVE her beyond belief~or human understanding~
~She leaves a precious cloud of white hair everywhere she goes~
~She barks at any~and everything~always laying in the doorway~protecting us from any possible intruder~
~She is truly amazing in every way~
~I cannot imagine life without her~
~My LOVE for her is a bond beyond imagination~
~I am so deeply grateful to have her in my life~she is the light and joy and LOVE of my life~
~My~Kia~Mia~my Angel~we rescued each other~

Aug 05, 2012
by: Marianne

What a wonderful testimony fo your Pyr. The respect you have for him warms the heart.

Dec 17, 2012
Love indeed
by: Huey

Its "pyr" love indeed.
How can you not fall in love with them Pyr???

My pyr is my hubby's very own dog (first ever "his" dog although his family used to raise competition coon hounds and had many many beagles plus some strays that wander into their farm; that GSD was one.. those dogs were always the family dogs) and I told hubby that my one and only "ever" dog was my GSD / doberman mix... I still cannot help but bond with Roman my pyr.

Roman's a rascal alrite... very cheeky to worm his way into my heart.

I also saw the spirit of my old darling dog in Roman too... (so forgive me old pal, be generous & make some room in that heart for Roman? He does remind me of you and after almost 20 some years I've really missed you much).

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