New Sherrif in town

by Ed A from NJ
(New Jersey)

Well it has been 7 or eight months since Maximoose decided to join us. After the loss of big Beau the Moose kinda just found me and needed to be here.

I have been watching as Maximoose worked his way in, and to my surprise, he kept reminding me of the great one but with his own flavor. It started with Maximoose taking baby Nava under his wing.

His sweet way with our one year old Newfie and he even adopted all Beau's neighbourhood kids. Friday the kids were across the street playing wiffle ball in the field. Slowly Maximoose arose from my porch and started across the street. He never does that when I am with him. I called him but he lumbered across the street and that is when things got weird.

My Newfie got up and went to join him. She never ever leaves my side because she is in service training. Maximoose stood frozen with the 100 mile stare into the woods.

Little Nava now only 140 pounds at 1 year got to his side and that is when I herd Maximoose doing a low growl.

His hair hiked up on his back and the tail rolled over his back. Nava stood right behind him that is when I saw a coyotoe coming out of the woods.

I walked across the street and told the kids to start walking towards the home. But I was to late Big Maximoose started his charge! Amazingly Nava started barking and bouncing back in forth in front of the kids as if to hold down the fort.

In a flash Maximoose's lumber turned into a all out charge I was waiting for him to do his bark down but nope he rammed the coyote head on! They went into a tumble roll and Maximoose had the coyote cold by the bottom of his neck.

The coyote broke free and took back off into the woods. Maxi did not give chase he came back to Nava and the kids (now cheering for Maximoose). By now, parents were outpraising my team.

I know Maximoose may never be Beau but I he has made his way into our hearts and is building his own leagion now.

It was as if Nava stayed home to baby sit while big daddy cleared the field. I thing Big Beau and Buttercup were looking down and guiding from the rainbow bridge. We will all have lots to talk about when we all reunite. I know Beau would be proud.

Comments for New Sherrif in town

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May 19, 2016
by: Donna

Your boy did the job he was meant to do. That coyote won't be back! Good job!

No, he will never be Beau. You don't really want that. He will be his own character whom you will grow closer to each day and have such joy in getting to know him and he you, Ed.

May 20, 2016
new sheriff
by: Anonymous

Aaah, well then. Have been wondering how it's been going with your rescue. And so to hear he's doing great things is a wonderful thing. Good dog parents make good dogs.
Thanks for sharing.

May 28, 2016
A Pleasure to Read and Enjoy
by: Frank (GPCSO)

Ed, That's a beautiful account of Pyr behavior. Thanks for sharing it with us. Because of your stories it is as if I know Beau personally. I can say that I felt his loss but certainly not as you did.

It is so wonderful to hear that you have a new Pyr in your life.

And you having a Newfoundland is of interest as well. You see, I was born and raised on the island from which that breed originates.

Actually, when I used to walk my Pyr Gus, folks would ask: "Is he a white Newf?" and I would answer: "No he is not, but I am." :-)

May 29, 2016
Best site
by: Ed A from NJ

Frank thank you so much for the kind word and the hard felt thought about my Beau. For the record I will always own a,Great Pyrenees. This is the only site I continue to post on for two reasons. 1)As long as your thoughts are genuine and show concern they don't have to match the thoughts of the other contributers. Every honest view is posted and given equal credance. 2) These page don't push everyone to get a GP, it rather explains these very special bread and it special needs. Making sure people understand they are not for everyone. As for my new pair I really think fate played a hand Maximoose need us but truth be told he did all the rescuing in our home.because at 5 it was to late to service train as far as how many years he could work and the fact I wouldn't have two male.The female Newfie was the best solution since at 250 pounds I need a sizable balance service dog. Sweet Nava is,145 pound now,at exactly 12 months old and could only be discribed as tall and willowie (31 inches at her shoulder) my vet says when she fills out she will be a big big girl.The fact that maximoose has adopted her has to be fate making our home complete again. As to myself I see this site as my home too.

May 29, 2016
by: Granmaskippy

Yeah, for Maximoos. Stories like these always make me smile. Happy for you too. Sounds like you have a great pair at your side. Sound like the new sheriff is keeping the peace.

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