Oh! My Dog!

by HTan

Well... an update again... at almost 9 month ol' now.

Roman my great pyr do have a really bad chewing habit ever since we got him.

He loves shoes especially shoes, carpet, papertowels, wooden furniture, his fav. blanket (looks like cheese now it is filled with so much holes) which "was once" my hubby's TV blanket, used gallon milk jugs, cheeseball containers, toys & more toys and then some more shoes to the most recent mishap...

A book which I borrowed from the library so that I can find me some ideas to correct the Great Roman's bad chewing habit titled "Oh! My Dog!" (and its a good book too).
Pun indeed... OMG!

So after a $30 replacement fee and many a head shakes and a couple of sighs thrown in... that book now officially belonged to Roman ("that bad dog" whispered of course due to his superb hearing and he is always listening; don't want him plotting more mischief now do you).

Just wanted to add how much of a master manipulator he is... always plotting something in his head...

I sat on the top steps to prevent him from going down to his fav. TV spot/ familyroom downstairs "as a test". After about a half hour, after much tests of two strong willfull eye stares & battling his great pyr paws (he give you the paw when he shows he wanted something from you)...

Master manipulator changed his tactics & trap his mom into actually getting up from her spot by

#1) getting unto her fav. leather sofa upstairs (where he knows is not allowed), and then...
#2) starting to pretend to mouth "chew" on her suede pillow (he definitely knows it is definitely NOT ALLOWED).

After I left my spot Roman basically successfully manhandled his mom "me" into the losing position & ran right down to his fav. spot in front of the TV.

Yup! He won!

Isn't he a typical "Oh my DAWG"???

-OMG!!! Happened just yesterday.

Comments for Oh! My Dog!

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Mar 24, 2013
Pyrs and their chewing.....Ugh!
by: Jenn and Brad

We certainly share in your show of pride of ownership and frustration. As our Great Pyr Garrett at last count is up to 37 items chewed in our house and on our property.

These chewed items were once a sofa, chair, throw pillows , baseboard trim , a hand knitted winter hat, DVDs and the container they come in , the arm on our recliner, a wooden baby gate, MANY pairs of leather shoes and boots, a snow shovel and much much more.

Through training and consistency we have curbed his chewing habits but he still has his moments.

We have posted a few stories of our Great Pyr Garrett, feel free to read about our issues in the first year of having him.

If that book of yours gives you any ideas that actually work for our stubborn Pyrs, please pass them along to us.

Best of luck

Jenn and Brad

Mar 26, 2013
Bad Chewing Habit
by: HTan

Thanks for the comment Jenn & Brad.
Definitely will check out your stories on chewing.

Roman is really still a puppy and I do understand big dog equals big mouth equals major destruction and fast!

I believe he will break out of his habit once he grows up though.

I really have already come to terms with the reality of loss of material "stuffs" be it past, present or in the future.

It is really up to me as his mom to "babyproof" what I don't want destroyed & keep them away from him (what most all dog training books recommend and I have read more than 10 so far).

I do view him as more precious than many of my material goods anyways to be too angry at him if at all.

What I most worry about is his health...
that should he devour something he is not supposed to & cause him to have some stomach blockage or other health concerns.

What I do know I have to do is to be very diligent when it comes to him... equals constant "eyes on the back" spying on him that little trickster.

For a smart dog you just have to be smarter... well, hopefully smarter anyways (we shall see as he is being fed "add-ons" foods that is awesome for his brain development; eggs, beef, anchovies, yogurt, PB etc... just like one of my kid).

Jan 02, 2014
Chewing problem solver !
by: Sarah

Beau my 22month old great Pyr was a big Chewer - mostly outside plants. What we found that worked was Cayenne pepper. Anytime he chewed something we drizzled some on. He stopped . May work if you put a little cayenne on the items he loves most to chew. We also got Beau the "ultimate" chew kong ( black) and stuff it fully. With kong treats, jerky treats, training treats, beggin' strips.... Haha. Beau figured out when he was a puppy if he drops the kong --- the treats fall out. That's why we stuff it. Try giving the kong when your baby is starting to chew something "bad" --- you want him to learn that what he's chewing isn't right and that he should chew the kong...

Hope this helps!

Apr 26, 2014
by: Dawn

My Dakota who is now 10 months old has learned not to chew inappropriate INSIDE things as every time she would go to chew furniture etc I would give her Nylabones or other similar type bones. She really likes the kind that have bumpy textures (I don't recall the brand but Pyrs are smart and they get the idea quickly....good chew VS bad chew...at least when they want to...UGH! )

The one stubbornness I cannot break her of is chewing from my wood pile outside. I have tried everything from Kongs to Real beef marrow bones etc, covering the wood pile(she just digs under...) but she just loves to dig through my fire wood and find a select piece to gnaw. She has had puppy training and knows "drop it" and "leave it" and will do so if I tell her... but stubborn pyr behavior makes her go right back to it the minute my back is turned. I worry she will choke if she gnaws off a piece. It isn't easy to hide 3 cords of wood from a determined dog....

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