by HTan
Well... an update again... at almost 9 month ol' now.
Roman my great pyr do have a really bad chewing habit ever since we got him.
He loves shoes especially shoes, carpet, papertowels, wooden furniture, his fav. blanket (looks like cheese now it is filled with so much holes) which "was once" my hubby's TV blanket, used gallon milk jugs, cheeseball containers, toys & more toys and then some more shoes to the most recent mishap...
A book which I borrowed from the library so that I can find me some ideas to correct the Great Roman's bad chewing habit titled "Oh! My Dog!" (and its a good book too).
Pun indeed... OMG!
So after a $30 replacement fee and many a head shakes and a couple of sighs thrown in... that book now officially belonged to Roman ("that bad dog" whispered of course due to his superb hearing and he is always listening; don't want him plotting more mischief now do you).
Just wanted to add how much of a master manipulator he is... always plotting something in his head...
I sat on the top steps to prevent him from going down to his fav. TV spot/ familyroom downstairs "as a test". After about a half hour, after much tests of two strong willfull eye stares & battling his great pyr paws (he give you the paw when he shows he wanted something from you)...
Master manipulator changed his tactics & trap his mom into actually getting up from her spot by
#1) getting unto her fav. leather sofa upstairs (where he knows is not allowed), and then...
#2) starting to pretend to mouth "chew" on her suede pillow (he definitely knows it is definitely NOT ALLOWED).
After I left my spot Roman basically successfully manhandled his mom "me" into the losing position & ran right down to his fav. spot in front of the TV.
Yup! He won!
Isn't he a typical "Oh my DAWG"???
-OMG!!! Happened just yesterday.
Comments for Oh! My Dog!
Mar 12, 25 06:32 AM
Mar 10, 25 03:36 PM
Feb 28, 25 06:44 AM
Feb 11, 25 01:40 PM
Jan 08, 25 05:35 PM
Dec 20, 24 10:04 AM
Dec 20, 24 10:02 AM
Dec 17, 24 05:55 AM