Our Brutus is again confusing

by Nancy
(Venus, TX)

I posted the story of our Brutus here a few weeks ago. Well, now we are confused once again. We took our young grandkids that live with us to Disneyworld last week. We returned yesterday from the 10 day trip. My daughter and son-in-law had been staying in our home to care for Brutus so we wouldn't have to board him. For some reason, he left home the night before our return and didn't return. When we got home in late afternoon, he still had not returned so just by process of elimination of where he might be, I called his previous owner to see if he was at his house. Sure enough, he was and had been since the day before. I can only reason that he thought we had abandoned him and he decided to return to his previous home. I am going there today to pick him up and now am afraid he will not want to stay with us any more. That's exactly what he did to his previous owner...got tired of that home after 4 years and left on his own. Since we have had him only 9 months now and he's been very happy, what if he doesn't want to stay with us? I am so sad. Guess we will just have to wait and see what happens in the next few days. Please tell me what you think.

Comments for Our Brutus is again confusing

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Dec 23, 2013
by: marianne

Ithis guy has a really advanced sense of how to manipulate humans.


Dec 24, 2013
by: Connie Ramey

~Dog gone dog anyway~

Dec 24, 2013
My 5 cents (nickle is the new penny)
by: Martha

In my opinion when you took the most important part of the flock (grandchildren who live with you and yourselves) out of the mix, you left your guardian Pyr with only property to protect.

I am going to suggest that perhaps a Pyr without a purpose may go off in search of one.

Brutus wants his flock to love and protect and will be happy to settle back into his home. He is both a Pyr and a rescue and a little love, patience and understanding goes a long way.

He is so fortunate to have such a loving family like yours to come back to. Never forget how intelligent and sensitive your Pyr is because I know from experience (and now so do you) that every now and then your Great Pyrenees will "act out".

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