by Admirer
And, will always put themselves between who or what they guard and a potential threat. If your Pyrenees stands between you and another, there is a reason for it, even if a supposed friend. The dog is picking up on something you are not. Let it do it's job.
Awesome perception. When it comes to threat perception, it is probably not wise to try to out think or second guess a Great Pyrenees. They are professionals with a proven track record.
Most dogs pick up on moods, (anger, happy,...) it does not have to be a tone of voice, or action. But, the gentle pyrenees seems to find the right balance between threat and action. The rare, aggressive pyr., may over react, but aggression and over reaction is a rarity for a pyrenees.
The less they have to guard, the more prone to barking at everything and miserable they will be. To be happy, they need a full time job guarding people or animals. They like 100s of acres ideally, but can adjust to much less, if given a full time job.
They would be great dogs to monitor school grounds. Potential trouble makers might find a friend in the big white fur ball and be less apt to cause trouble. One can learn admirable character attributes from these true heroes.
Sorry this was not a story, but it is written with some understanding of the breed. Our pyr guards animals at night and children at day. There is no known danger to either group, but she is always there,... and watching.
As I watch her attentive evaluations of all whom approach, I find comfort in knowing she is there, capable, and ready if needed.
Perhaps there are times that the best story is the one that never had opportunity to be? Because the pyrenees is such a great defensive guard, would be, offensive challengers seldom challenge.
Never provokes, always protects- the Great Pyrenees.
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