Protect your Pyr from your vet...

by Vic

I lost my girl Nov. 1, 2016. She was my friend and companion for seven years. I took her to her regular vet for a 'routine' check-up and teeth cleaning. She stopped breathing while in recovery. BEWARE - Pyrs have a very low metabolism!!!

Every, every, every time you take your pyr in for any procedure that involves anesthesia, remind your vet, even if your vet thinks you are insulting their intelligence to anesthetize "TO EFFECT". Any more could tear your heart out like it did mine.

A few weeks later I decided to give a rescue pyr a chance at a good life. In the conversations with the Northwest GP rescue society I was told that four of the people associated with that group had very similar experiences. It breaks my heart that they had gone through that pain. It also says a lot about the connection these creatures have with those fortunate enough to share our lives with.

Comments for Protect your Pyr from your vet...

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Dec 12, 2016
Very sencitive
by: Ed A. From NJ

You are 100% right about pyrenees they are super sencitive to medications. I am very carful not to subject mine to anything unessassary. When we were going on a long trip my vet (whom I love and trust) told me I could give him beynadril to calm him for the ride. The vet said 25 mg per 20 pounds of body weight. Beau weighed 165 I gave him only 50 mg. He slept for 6 hours!!!

Dec 12, 2016
Protect your Pyr from your vet
by: Darlene Hickman

Our Misti had surgery on Nov 1 2016 to remove a cyst ( which was malignant cancer, we did not know it was) I reminded our vet about the anesthetic even though she knows the breeds Pyrenees, Newfoundland , St Bernard etc.

I did not care if she was insulted
Misti means more than her feelings.
Our Vet is actually amazing though, we are lucky to have such an experienced vet

Jul 10, 2017
We are vets and have seven Pyrs
by: John

My wife is a vet.
We have seven pyrs.
She has successfully had Pyrs under anesthesia for knee surgery and other procedures. Dogs has done fine - no issues.

The thing to know is the not all anesthesia is the same.

Does your vet have someone monitoring the vital signs while your dog is under anesthesia? Does your vet use gas anesthesia as the primary vehicle once your pet is "under".
Does your vet use an IV catheter to provide fluids for hydration and blood pressure maintenance while "under"
They should and you should want to pay for it.

Apr 03, 2020
My pyr just died after knee surgery
by: Donna

Max was 9 and had knee surgery on his right leg 2 years ago. Well, his other leg went out. So the same vet and the same surgeon did this surgery. I wasn't allowed in this time because of this coronovirus restrictions. After surgery Mac stopped breathing. They immediately put him on oxygen and called me to come in. He just slept, never woke up. After keeping him warm, watching his vitals, he wouldn't wake up. He was breathing on his own but still had a tube in so his throat so it wouldn't collapse. But his heart rate kept falling. After 5 hours, he died. He was my most trusted dog. He relied on me and trusted me and I sent him to his death. He didn't want to go that morning, I never saw him that insistent, but I took him anyway. I have 5 other pyrs, but he was my soul mate. I don't know how to get over this.

Nov 15, 2020
Heart stopped during neutering and it couldnt be completed
by: Husky Pyrenees

I have an 8.5 year old Husky Pyrenees mix and both have different metabolisms than the standard dog. He couldn't get neutered because the vet said he lost his heart beat and had to pull him out. He is not super big, only 70lbs but I almost lost him. He needs to be neutered as he is having painful prostate issues so he will be chemically castrated with Finasteride. Had I have known earlier about this drug I probably would have taken that route. He has reactions to flea medications, vaccines, processed dog food, I should have listened to my instincts. Vet said no special precautions needed to be taken with his breed for surgery but I somehow just knew.

Feb 18, 2021
My Great pyrs died recovering from anesthesia
by: Anonymous

We had out 5.5 year old perfectly healthy dog in for a relatively routine procedure that required general anesthesia. Over the next 24 hours she slowly declined (movements became slower, didn’t want to eat or drink, struggled to walk then couldn’t stand and could barely lift her head. Her heart stopped en route to the vet. I’m devastated.

Mar 12, 2022
by: Anonymous

My 2 year old Pyrenees had luxating patella surgery last Friday. He became very I’ll on Wednesday with severe vomiting. We took him to the hospital and they redid labs he was in kidney failure and didn’t make it through the night. Our hearts are broken.

Jun 30, 2022
It’s true
by: Sheryl Webb

One of my favorite GPs had to be put down because both back knees were unusable. I don’t know how else to describe it. She couldn’t walk any longer. I had taken her to our regular vet who was treating her with pain meds. She was not getting better so I asked for a second opinion from our previous vet. He saw her that same evening. Not having seen this dog before he only had to look at her to know what was wrong.
We discussed surgery, doggie wheelchair and other options. I asked if she should be put down? He reluctantly answered Yes. He felt in her condition that would be the most humane. I agreed. I love her too much to see her in great pain.
He started injecting the med and only got half of it in and she was gone. He did put the rest in but we could tell it wasn’t needed.
I am broken hearted. She wasn’t even 2 years old.
And yes, the med acted very quickly because of her metabolism im sure.

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